Vloxelworld is a First person RPG game, with graphics of voxels. This game is the first to be developed by the motor RPG in a Box.
You can download the alpha on this link: https://ofihombre.itch.io/vloxelworld
Vloxelworld is a First person RPG game, with graphics of voxels. This game is the first to be developed by the motor RPG in a Box.
You can download the alpha on this link: https://ofihombre.itch.io/vloxelworld
Vloxelworld is a First person RPG game, with graphics of voxels. This game is the first to be developed by the motor RPG in a Box.You can download the alpha on this link: https://ofihombre.itch.io/vloxelworld
Your Game page link is available in your Weebly page: http://ofihombre.weebly.com/vloxelworld.html
The Game is also available in Indiexpo: http://www.indiexpo.net/es/games/vloxelworld
The same game is also available in IndieGameStand (Free Games): https://indiegamestand.com/free-games/3686/vloxelworld/