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Vapor Trails

Heartfelt game about revenge (on Steam!) · By sevencrane

Review of the new version (so far)

A topic by liltimmy419 created Sep 21, 2021 Views: 191 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Hi sevencrane! Love the new update so far, although still haven't finished everything :\ There's a lot of stuff to do now haha.

I only have 3 problems:

1) Textures in the background and sometimes in the foreground are a bit non-fluid, and make the whole environment less interesting. 

2) I feel like there could be way more enemies or if not that then less open, empty areas. The emptiness in the areas between hubs makes the game feel kinda like a Garry's Mod map with nobody else playing on it.

3) A: Divekicking from a standstill makes you slide, which is annoying because sometimes you just wanna divekick in place, and it messes up the coordination. B: Backflip animation persists and flips upside down when you backflip into a walljump.


I love the new content and am excited to see what you put in Lauren's basement :) 

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. What did you mean in your first point, like the textures aren't interesting enough? That'll be fixed eventually, same as the big empty areas. For the (very eventual) 1.0 beta I'll rework the layouts and add enemies and a couple other NPCs to make them feel less empty.

You can also visit Lauren's basement right now, if you make the jump fron Deep Town to that door under her house :^)


Mostly what I meant is the textures aren't really flowing into one another at the edges, like some of them cut off abruptly into other textures. 

Here's a few pictures:

I think the problem is mostly in Sludge Wastes.


Oh okay, I see what you mean. Yeah, that'll definitely be fixed eventually.


Also, I will make the divekick slide in place. I might keep the backflip walljump thing though, because I think it's cool looking.