hello again!
so i just want to point out some things that annoyed me in the game so uh
lets get started i guess...
///items buildings descriptions\\\
so steel gen has this description:"uses coal as fuel produces 5kilowats/sec"
ok but the spark descprition doenst help
it says:"shoots a hurricane of sparks"
ok yea but
what does it uses as fuel?
coal? energy? logs? rock?
something similar occurs with pickaxes
YES it does say which ore it can mine BUT
how am i supposed to know how the ores looks like?
like if i want to find copper i have to go each ore and mine it(which takes a lil bit but its still preety annoying when u first play)
///convenyor problem.\\\
1.putting a fast conv is annoying as hell
i know i already say that before but rotating conveyors is preety annoying without an arrow pointing where the conv is pointing at
its even worse at 10-19FPS
also when building a conveyor(or anything that can turn in general)
could you put an text saying the controls below?
like while you are choosing to put an conveyor an text pops up at the bottom of the screen:"Scroll wheel to rotate the conveyor
Right click to cancel
Left click to build"
///1x1 block problem\\\
so this is because alloy smelter exists.
since it needs like 3items at once
1x1block only lefts you with:1spare block(to avoid clogging)
so if i want to make 3alloysmelters in the same place it would look like this:

so yea if you could pls make the smelters bigger(like 2x2 idk)
///drills and sandbox\\\
so about drills...
they are by far the worst to destroy in this game
if you try to delete the drill by right clicking the part of the drill that spins it just doenst delete.
please make a source building in sandbox that spawns like the item source block from mindustry. please
also make the option of spawn inventory items in creative mode.
so thats it!
there was more things but i forgor what those were so uh yeah
also how complete is the next update?