So yesterday i was thinking of adding screenshakes, and some effects while colliding.
so the first thing i did was to setup screenshake in game maker. so every time the player kills an enemy the screen would shake now.
I have also added player health . every time the player uses the impulse force the player health decreases, and whenever he kills one he regains the health not fully but partially.
Though i had added sound effects yesterday again, i didn't like it, so i removed them trying to find out what kind of music would suite that gameplay.
Now i did test the game it was okay, now i needed to added few things such as background and some level building blocks.
Now most of my art assets i used in the game, are brought through a website called gamedeveloeprstudio made by robert. His assets are indie friendly so do check out his site
I had brought a jungle background and the level building blocks along with few trees, flowers etc. from him
now it was time for me to make one test level.
it took me nearly on hour to fix an error Bllood spattering effect in game maker, It's not working properly so i had to change the effect to creating multiple sprite images and then destroying it after some second
So the level is finished now, the level in this game is basically a rip from my old game that i never published