Hey Guys, "Platformer Bundle" is a bundle that will help developers sell there games more, and the players to enjoy the amazing games that was made by indie developers. The bundle price will depend on the quantity of the games that are submitted by the developers. For now max is 17$.
1-Developers can submit 2D or 3D games(platformer games are preferred but not a must).
2-The bundle may be canceled if there is no enough game submissions (need at least 3), or for some other private reasons.
3-The Bundle will last for a single week.
4- Submissions will last in 9/3/2021 or 9/5/2021.
5-Let us say your game equals to 2% of the total price of the bundle, you'll get 2% of the revenue earned from the bundle.
If you agree to the rules submit your game down in the comment sections with a link and screenshot of the game that you are willing to submit.