Do You know What your Game funding killer is? Or What type of Gaming business is right for you?
My team and I are in the final stages of releasing a BRAND NEW QUIZ that will help you answer some of these important questions...
But before we do... we want to make sure we cover YOUR single biggest questions, challenges or concerns.
All you need to do is to let me know your answer to this ONE important question:
When it comes to Funding your Game, what’s YOUR single biggest challenge right now?
(Please be as detailed and specific as possible).
Your advice on this would mean the world to me and really help us finalize the NEW QUIZ.
Magik Dice Studios
P.S. I really need your advice on this.
When it comes to knowing what type of gaming business to start, what's YOUR single biggest challenges right now?
(Please be as detailed as possible).
if you prefer, you can click on this link to leave your answers in our database