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Strive: Conquest

A successor to first Strive For Power game, currently at alpha stage · By Strive4Power

Meat soup--This is for "Strive4Power" or anyone privy to the actual Programming

A topic by GH-MrSomebody created Jul 22, 2021 Views: 492 Replies: 2
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(1 edit)

 Meat soup & Fish cakes
Someone said hot food's better & more efficient, but that's not true.  

Slave A eats 3 meat/day;   Slave B eats 3 vegies /day; 
   [note that "meal soup" says it's meat & water, but actually it's "meat & vegie soup" since includes vegetables!]

SO:   to feed both:   We'd need 6 soups per day   [which requires 6 meat + 6 vegies + lost production time spent cooking!]   
*OR*  just 3 meat & 3 vegies.  (HALF as much)

So actually  hot foods cost *MORE* (2x as much!)  & are *LESS* efficient, not more.
Correct?    (tutorial is useless & there's no good glossary or anything to look things up)

[Would like to start a Glossary on Wiki but lots don't understand myself]

1 meat and 1 vege = 3 meat soup which counts as both meat and vege. So for your two slaves you need 2 recipes of meat soup which uses 2 meat and 2 vege. So in all it saves 1 meat and 1 vege. Also its a 1 unit task so its quick to do. The data is all present in the crafting menu.

Must have been sick too long----missed the small "3" somehow (crafting menu)   1 meat + 1Vegie & u get *3*  Meat soups  (Course, slaves eat 6/day so they'd eat 6 meat soups)    Health been very poor recently  :-(  somehow was thinking 1 M +1 V = 1 Soup

Or, does 1 meat & vegie soup count as *TWO* meals?!?

Thanks 4 the wakeup & clarification