Me and my friend decided to build a little rpg. I don't think this will be a MMORPG more of 2..8 players together. Most of models either made by my friends or found on turbosquid or other free 3d models sites. I'm doing this project in my free time and post reports 1..3 times per month. Most of reports are available here
What is done:
- 1 character, attack with bow + attack by hand
- 3 camera modes - chasing camera, first person and free camera
- 4 monsters[mushroom, lizard, borrog and plant]
- 1 EU server capable of 50-80 players+network system
- items gui
- fox, rabbit is added
- health+mana potions
- fast 1..0 gui
- items
- spells
- healing/mana stuff, items, gui+restoration
What's gonna be done:
- chests
- dungeon level
- forest level[i have healing models and some building, also need to write code]
- forest animals[bear,Moose,boar,deer,polar bear and a penguin lol].[need to only add them]
- sand level
- forgotten city level
- village - base place for upgrading selling, e.t.c.
- critters
- insectoids
- spiders for dungeon level
- ability to edit your character(skin color, haird color, eyes e.t.c.)