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NO LOVE (RPG, Action, Adventure)

A topic by WallaceLovecraft created Sep 25, 2017 Views: 24,559 Replies: 509
Viewing posts 221 to 420 of 492 · Next page · Previous page · First page · Last page

Designed fear ani, silence ani, and poison animation.

Didn’t actually do much.

Working on script.

Finished script

Wrote a little bit more for the script

Organized refs for cutscene

Going to start drawing the cutscene

Working on cutscene

Updated and changed a line from cutscene 25

Working on cutscene

I can’t find a picture that is subtle in spoiler territory so I will not show a pic today

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

I feel very tired

Working on cutscene

Even though I have the thought process of what needs to happen is in my head, the in-between parts have pretty much always been made up on the spot, sorry.

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

I would think that I haven’t been very productive

Might see some friends tomorrow

Did little to nothing

Went over to brother and his wife home

Watched a show

Working on cutscene pictures

Floaty rock animation picture

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Picture is a sketch of scene from cutscene

Working on cutscene

Don’t feel like showing a glimpse of a picture today

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

I have to go back to a cutscene and quick fix agro for like, maybe 20 scenes or something lol. Maybe more… :-0

Working on cutscene

Adjusted 17 pictures from a cutscene so not 20 :-/

Working on cutscene

Added back crystals to agro for scene 62 and 87 for cutscene because forgot to. 

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

 I feel more tired than usual

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

I don’t know what to say. This particular cutscene taking so long and I’m not even done it because I just keep adding stuff. I have no idea how long this cutscene will take to get through in game.

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Updated one of the scripts with a more descriptive sentence.

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

I think I’m taking a break for today

Currently working on cutscene

I feel like I should put what I did yesterday. Hopefully, I will only do this once. I may have babbled on about stuff.

My windows laptop had a black screen with only the cursor being visible. I connected a lot of cords to it and a fan cooler to it. It looked like it was on life support. I had to let it die because it would show/do nothing when I tried to enter recovery and restarting tricks didn’t work. When it finally died I gave it a quick 5 min rest before I put in the power supply and restarted it, hoping for me to at least see the logo. The logo did show up and I got into the recovery mode and restored it to an earlier date. This labtop has really gone to hell and back with me and I like how the computer still works even though I’ve had to restored back to factory settings in the past. 

This particular black screen session happened because of some windows update. I downloaded the witcher games because they were on sale. I launched the witcher 3 and saw that same update that messed with the computer try to install and canceled it.

I haven’t played any witcher games before so I thought I’d try it out because people say good things about it. I’m playing the first game and the dialog system that they built is really intricate. Like so many things can be asked to certain npc’s judging by what you find or who you talked to about stuff. There was even something that happened at the beginning of the game where you had to make a choice and a bit after in the game when you get into a fight on a bride, it gets brought up that this could have been a different situation on the bridge because of the choice that you made in the beginning. The last rpg game that I bought was final fantasy 15 for pc when it was released and that game was a shit show. I’m truly amazed at the witcher 1 game and I could only expect it to get better with the newer games.

Put holy songs on some mp3 for the mother

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene.

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

The picture I just finished looks cool and it will be animated in game.

I’ve got the idea to make some kind skill tree-like system for NL2. It would be my shitty attempt at making one but it would be simple and quite interesting. I honestly think that it would be pretty cool.

Working on cutscene

Just colouring nothing special.

Working on cutscene

Just colouring. Its quite boring and monotonous. Drawing little mountains like this is zzzzzzz.

Working on cutscene ;-/

(1 edit)

Working on cutscene 🌹

On some talking scene now.

Working on cutscene

Slow day

Working on cutscene

A little bit of talking and some action sequence.

Working on cutscene.

A little bit of action. I feel like progress is slow. Yay! :-]

Working cutscene.

Working on cutscene

bg colours

Working on cutscene.

Working on cutscene.

Fixed cutscene 24_35 missing crystal on David and Tony. Cleaned up overpaint on the cloud as well.

I would say that I’m 85% done the cutscene now.

Updated the end for cutscene 27 script and just tried to make it have more of a flow. 

Working on cutscene

Updated and removed the left shoulder crystal from

C1 SC2, C1 SC4, C1 SC6

C2 SC2, C2 SC4 

C4 SC3, C4 SC5, C4 SC7, C4 SC13

C5 SC7, C5 SC8 HAP, NORM, OPEN, C5 SC9, C5 SC10

C8 SC3, C8 SC10

Cleaned project files of cutscenes by getting rid of things that don’t need to be in it any longer like ref folders. I used to scan my drawings from paper then use it as a ref for drawing in photoshop or bring in a bg asset so I can use the colour of something that I was referencing like a vehicle. For example, the scan refs alone in one file caused it to be a bit over 500 mb for some reason. When I took out the ref it went to 20 mb. I feel that taking out the refs would be a good thing because in future when I try to put it into public domain, it’ll just be easier for someone to download. Some refs will be left in.

Some of my first files are hard to navigate. It’s disgusting. It’s atrocious.

Adjusted a sentence in C25

Working on cutscene

Talking scene

Working on cutscene, this talking scene might take some time. I’m trying to think how the next area would really look like because in my head it looks different and cloudy. When I try to put it into the game I just don’t know if it is good enough to satisfy my expectations.

Working on cutscene

Basically what you’re seeing here is the arm and the body with the detailed bandages not erased yet with my sketched ref in the back.

Working on cutscene

Decided not to show a pic. Talking scene.

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Just drawing bodies, faces, eyes. Lot's of work. ;-/

Working on cutscene

Last bit of the talking scene.

Working on cutscene

A couple more pics to do.

Working on cutscene

I’m thinking of things for the next scene but I’m pretty much just inking and colouring.

I finished inking/colouring cutscene

I need to implement it into game which should probably take 2 days because of how big it is. I went too far for this one but it is quite special. 

People are coming over so little to no work will be done today.

Saving pngs so that I can import them into game.

Felt really tired for some reason and went to sleep and had a weird dream.

Adjusted 3 events in a level

Added a picture to last cutscene

Adjusted a picture in the cutscene and made the inked lines on the mountain thinner

Imported cutscene pictures into game

Made some really small changes in the script

Implementing cutscene

Adjusted script and added a little more sentences.

Adjusted David description.

Implementing cutscene.

(1 edit)

Adjusted the script a little for current cutscene

Imported cutscene picture that I forgot to save and put in game

Implementing cutscene

Felt like throwing up so I went to sleep. It was because of something that I ate.

Adjusted script more for the current cutscene that I’m working on, the small adjustments add up

Implemented cutscene into game

Proof checking cutscene word boxes for any grammatical errors.

Cleaned/fixed C27 SC74, C27 SC80 , C27 SC81 , and C27 SC129 then reimported them into game 

Added “SC107” again as “SC107 1” because of a bug???

Adjusted C27 SC23 blood and made it cleaner

Made a bit more small changes to script

C SC14, SC90, SC259, SC264, SC250

I have completed the cutscene.

Redid Agro from the first cutscene when he’s falling down

Redid and replaced Agro on the title screen and moved things a little

Adjusted game over screen by replacing agro with the newer version

Moved splash screen a bit, to be more entered

Working on new tileset, I’m going to remove the pathways a bit for this one.

Working on tileset for new level

I think I just need to colour the tilesets and I’m done with it. 

I was kind of getting carried away with it for a little and made some statue thing.

I need to build the level.

UPDATED TILESET 3 for current level

Testing enemies on the last level and testing items again on the last level and adjusting stuff because it felt a bit too hard for me. I think it’s ok now.

Adjusted tileset 1 constantly

Working on building the level.

I’ve finished designing the level within the engine

I’m hand making the little details so things don’t feel repeated. This will take some time.

Adjusted tileset 1 several times

Building level

Adjusted tileset 1,2,3 

Working on building level

(1 edit)

Adjusted tileset 1 and 2 and reimported

Adjusted tileset LVL_6_4

Increased revival items, I think it’s balanced now but it does seem pricey ;-/

Adjusted lvl 17 items

Adjusted and made small changes to LVL 16

Working on building current level

Building level

Updated iconset

Made items

Updated dialogue for Autumn in Hanotown.

Fixed spelling error for appreciate on lvl 16

Updated a person in Level 8 and just added a small story dialogue talking about food. I made it in like 2secs so it’s very random. I sure someone will laugh at it. It’s a personal story but I did get carried away talking about it now.

Made small change on 3 tiles on tileset1

Finished level but it will still need testing once I put in the enemies.

Working on a cutscene, I feel sleepy.

Working on script for a cutscene. I need to think about what I after it. So much to do.

Updated adjusted cutscene 18 dialogue and script.

I think my eye feels uncomfortable. Goodnight.

Drawing out cutscene, finished sketching

Working on cutscene, It's people talking.

Working on cutscene

Adjusted words in LVL 6 for some objects that you can talk to.

Adjusting LVL 9, 10, 14 for the objects that you can talk to and removing some. It becomes apparent that at this level you don’t need to anymore or at least I think so. I’m basically removing the option to talk to rocks. It becomes inefficient when I make big levels and the events to make the option to even talk to them can/may slow the game down a little. With the added fact that I make each them a little special with different words of thought during that time of writing them, I moved them onto the structure that I used in future levels and random plants.

Adjusted script for one guy in hanotown to emphasize more.

Updated script for this small adjustment.

Working on cutscene, mental energy, tired, original.

Working on cutscene, I’ve been slightly distracted I think.

Working on cutscene.

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

I going to have to go over my brothers today. I don’t think ill get much done today, oh well.

Working on cutscene

Some guy came to the door to give some talk and a paper about some political talk which I didn’t care for. All I could think of while he was talking, was how good his cologne/perfume smelt. So good.

Working on cutscene :-]

Working on cutscene :-]

Working on cutscene

I’m drawing people just standing.

Working on cutscene

(1 edit)

Finished drawing and painting cutscene.

I will now begin to implement it into the game. I will also do little adjustments on maybe 1 or 2 past cutscenes by adding 1 or 2 lines of text or something.

Working on implementing cutscene into game

Just thinking about animating the scenes is exhausting lol

Reimported C27 SC161

Changed/added some lines to C27 script and implemented it into game


I don’t think ill get much done today ;-/

I’m don’t feel that productive

Some random guy online gave me some choose your own adventure vampire game and it’s quite fun. I just started it.

I guess I’m just slacking today but I’ll try to do a lot in a short amount of time.

Goodnight. 🌙

Added potions to one of the first levels. 

Working on cutscene.

Need to fix any broken word boxes.

Completed the cutscene.

I need to do enemies now.

Designed enemies and enemy attacks and currently implementing them into the game.

Made icons for enemy attacks

Made icons for enemy drops

Made drop items for enemies

Adjusted LVL17 battle back and reimported, just moved FG ground up more

Adjusted an animation and removed flash screen because I thought it wasn’t needed

Updated Pink hat by adding two more inked lines

Moved spotty horse to the left

Made spotty horse a head armor

Adjusted stats for an item and increased price for it in 2nd shop

Moved animation of an item to the left

Currently making a battle back

Completed battleback 

Currently working on the enemies in battle. I think they are fine dmg and health wise. I think I’m going to be more forgiven for the health drop items.

Updated enemy stats for current battle and made it a bit different

Made sounds for the enemies attacks

Updated MTLBWY sound and removed Furtrons placeholder sound

Implemented some songs

Lowered the “OK” sound in system cause I thought it was too loud

Lowered most of the sounds for the animations in the the game because I felt they were overall too loud.

Removed sound for Pluto from he game and made a new version

Changed some more sounds

Lowered some menu sounds.

Play testing the level,  it’s feels kind of easy so might make it more harder.

(1 edit)

Adjusted all characters in games stats again by lowering certain stats even more or certain stats even higher so it’s more clear of everyones strengths and weaknesses.

Lowered an items stats by 1, I believe I was pink hat

Adjusted forest creatures stats in past level

Increased drop rate of items for items on the creatures in the forest lvl

Lowered exp gained from forest creatures

Lowered gold gained from forest creatures

Lowered steps for random encounter in past forest lvl

Made the smallest rocks on lvl 9 and 10 to be able to walk onto of.

Lowered items that you get from enemies from a level to the ones below except for Goron

Lowered boss item drop because I felt the best item drop may be too op to get twice.

Play tested forest lvl, seems good now

Play tested lvl 19, seems good now and it just does seem pretty lenient no matter how much I tried to make it a bit harder but whateverrr

Made 3 new icons, one for cool downs, two for enemy drops, I have not made the enemies yet but I have some kind of an idea for them.

Adjusted agro passive to power up if hp is low, Agro becomes OP is low so I had to adjust the enemies to better fight him because he does kind of break the game a little when fighting normal enemies but it’s still ok. I want it to be a little easy because I really did make a unique story and this game is about the story but then again it’s more about the characters.

I thought the artifacting in the music was my fault but its because of it being exported to ogg files. Makes it sound like listening to vinyl.

I’m thinking of making enemies in a level that I didn’t put enemies in. I’m going to do it since I can’t stop thinking about it.

UPDATED LVL 16 3, one of the bushes looked weird and it was outside the grid so I fixed it. I also made the bushes inked lines thicker.

Designed enemies

Designed enemy attack

Working on battleback LVL 16

(1 edit)

Completed battleback

Made new enemies in game

Made new items

Reduced aloha and sano clouds items price 

Made new skills for enemies

Made enemy battles

Implemented songs

Removed the regular attack hit2 sound from the game because I didn’t like the sound of it and replaced it with 2 new sounds 

Adjusted stats for mp on any body armor which there was only 1, wanted to make it more of an incentive to buy it even though I’m sure no one would but it just depends on your play style

Need to playtest the battles

Fixed description for two weapon having wrong stats

Fixed grammatical error in one of the first levels, good thing I clicked it. Changed some text boxes.

Made some changes in text for some items

Lowered spark s sounds because I thought it was too loud again

Playtested lvl 16 with enemies and it seems good now

Im going to change two text boxes and liven up the mood and be funny in level 15. One will talk about a fighting game, one will talk a dream and an office.

Working on creating the bg for the current level but I didn’t do much today. ;-]

Working on the bg tileset for the current level

Working on the bg tileset for the current level, I’m trying to use as much tileset space as I can.

Working on tileset 3 for lvl 20

I’ll be doing lvl 21 tile sets next

Almost done lvl 21 tilesets

I’ll be doing 23 left which is actually 20 -3, I don’t think ill be calling it 23.

I have completed 20 - 3

I will need to implement it and build the level now.

I’m going to change the two text boxes now in a past level. I will show a glimpse of it when it’s implemented into the game because it will be a very short cutscene. I will try and not get carried away.

Working on small cutscene thingy, almost done drawing it.

Implementing cutscene now

I have implemented the short cutscene into the game

I’m going to work on building the level now

Working on building the levels

I’m done building the first level but it still needs events and stuff

I made doors

Currently making character walk cycles

Making character walking tilesets

 It’s boring! ;-]

Completed character walking tilesets.

Inking busts for new characters

Finished inking all the character busts and will colour them now.

I’m not sure how long I’ve been up for. I think I woke up around 9 pm yesterday. I’m trying to fix my sleeping schedule. I’m posting now because I may fall asleep and forget to post later. I’m thinking of going to sleep at around 10 pm. Nothing good to watch. I’m extremely bored.

Finished colouring busts for characters

Working on script for the characters. Thinking about what to use or not since I wrote a lot before. Some will just have to go unused.


Implementing dialogue onto characters in game.

I need to proof read the dialogue ingame and fix word box issues.

The picture is how I organize everyone needed.

Completed all dialogue boxes.

I need to do interior tilesets now.

Updated CHAR 13 AND 14 tilesets because bottom of feet were appearing above some characters

Added 2 a busts for 2 characters, basically a sad bust.

Working on tilesets

Completed interior tilesets

Adjusted exp for some enemies and organized exp more

Adjusted/updated all interior tilesets

Building interior levels

UPDATED interior tilesets, slightly adjusted chair and added, and other stuff, honestly back and forth, yawnnnnnn

Finished building interior levels, actually pretty much 95% done, still got shit to place 

Placing people and deciding who goes where

Built a new lvl

Evented one thing and added more dialogue.

Updated tileset H3

Made picture for an event

Made two new icons

Currently making a picture for an event

Made picture for an event

Updated/adjusted some sentences of dialogue in a past script.

Proof checked word boxes.

Made new event and proof checked it

Made an item

Made two new icons

Adjusted Main level 20 

Currently putting events in places

Made more events

Added pretty much did all the minor events and proof checked them. Still needs a couple main events.

I dunno, I did stuff.

Currently working on cutscenes. I’m tired.

Currently working on cutscene.

My eyes hurt the whole day. I go sleep sleep.

Currently working on cutscene.

A bit too much work for me.

Working on Cutscene

In the pic there is a creature at the door. I call it a dog. 

When I was drawing it I imagined it being a dog but then it turned into whatever. I’m not even sure what to call it other than a creature. I do call it a dog, though.

Working on cutscene

Very cool. 2018

Working on cutscene!

Working on cutscene. :-]

Working in cutscene

Removed a BGM from the game cause I felt like I didn’t need it.

Working in cutscene

Just sketching/inking/colouring

Working in cutscene

Working on cutscene

Flowers sky yay

Working on cutscene

Didn’t work on game much today ;-O

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene


Working on cutscene but it’s honestly done. I’ll probably be done tonight and start working on the new cutscene. I need to try and make it shorter but it still needs to be good.

I lost track of time when working on the cutscene but it hasn’t been what I would consider a full days worth of work. 

Wow, seeing the progress in this thread is a journey!

Yeah, lol!

Working on cutscene. :-]

(1 edit)

Implementing cutscene into game

I really want to make NL2. It seems like it would be fun with it being a different openworld-like game.

It sucks that I don't have any friends that I can actively talk about anime and game dev/projects with. :-/ I tried talking to one of my closest friends and showing him a movie today and he didn't even want to watch it. None of my close friends do much but work that sweet 9-5 or go to school and then play video games. ;-////////////////////

Adjusted/edited/updated pictures for current cutscene

Implementing cutscene

Working on cutscene

Almost done implementing it

I think I’m feeling a bit stressed because I have one more thing to do and it’s done. I think I’m going to play some video games. What I did may seem small but it’s pathways are quite complex.

I have successfully implemented the cutscene and everything works. I will have to try and make a new cutscene now. It will be in black and white. Or maybe I might not even do it? I’ll think about it for a little bit.

Working on new cutscene

Made the story for it

Working on new cutscene

Working on cutscene


Working on cutscene

not really much today. shit! ;-00000000

Working on cutscene

Almost done pathway 1

Drew dead people and leg wall and stuff

Working on cutscene

Did absolutely little to nothing today.

 I feel really cold lol and I may be sick. ;-]

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

Drawing teeth

Working on cutscene

Working on cutscene

In a new area with people around

Someone or some thing at the front. Apple.

Working on cutscene

Colouring bg wall.

Dead heads, legs.

Working on cutscene

Drawing character walking. I need to finishing touches to this piece.

I could see NL2 now. NL2 will have much better gameplay in every way compared to NL1. So many things that I could implement now but it would take a lot of time and no point to me. It’s best to implement it for the new game.

My mom is trying to set me up with some girl again, lol.

Working on cutscene

Drawing monsters

Working on cutscene

I was drawing the character looking at three people. One had balloons.

I’ve been taking a lot of naps today. Thinking about sleeping on the floor.

Working on cutscene

I’m thinking about adjusting a level and just making it harder to walk through.

Sleeping on the floor didn’t help and I keep waking up with sweat. Experiment failed. 

I don’t know if I should go straight into NL2 or start using gm2 once I finish NL1. ;-//////////

Working on cutscene

On the last pic. I might start implementing it later tonight.

Brought the pictures into game but still need to implement them

Added some more dialogue for 3 characters, just a couple lines.

I was going to go through the game and remove the word “POTION” entirely but decided not to. It’s price is on top of it, cutting off some of the words because its too long but some items have long words so it really doesn’t matter that if I changed it now. Maybe for the next game I’ll make everything shorter.

Fixed shop keeper image from not going away when don’t using shop in a level. Forgot to do that. I’m still working on the shop thing because I need to implement the new items. I believe I have been putting it off because it does require a lot of mental energy to make new art/designs and animations for them. And place everything correctly. YAWNNNNN

Adjusted some words for a cutscene. Quick fix. I was missing a word.

Fixed item description for strawberry item. Forgot to add one word.

I’ll start implementing the cutscene tonight.

Quick fix M47, M70, and 2 other pics

Added N101, N102, forgot to do these pics

Implemented pathway 1

Almost done implementing pathway 2

Adjusted script and dialogue to 28, small part

Completed pathway 2

Adjusted N95 and reimported 

Completed pathway 3

I believe I have implemented the cutscenes successfully and everything works after trying it out. I will no longer work on it.

Adjusted some items

Adjusted BG H1, H2, H3 and reimported

Made a new obj for limited items.

Finished 3 item designs and currently making more designs. Pretty much just making their sprite sheet.

I’m showing the face of what I am working on. It looks pretty bad but I am cleaning it up and basically redoing it and making it cleaner and just more nicer to look at. This is the rough design of it. 

These rough designs get deleted because I feel they are a waste of space and useless to keep. I usually do these animation things for items in one shot anyways.

I decided to keep the sketch and ill make a folder for sketches in the items psd. 

I have finished designing the items and I will need to make the icons for the new items.

I feel quite tired. Night.

Making icons, I’ve been slackinggg ;-0

I have completed the icons

I made the prices and shit for them.

I now need to implement them into the game

I’m thinking about making one part of an area in a past level like a maze to go through with only one way to get to the other side but I don’t think I’m going to do that and just leave the lvl alone. ;-/ It’s the pink lvl bot left.

Working on animations

Made the items

Completed 3 animations and connected them to their item

They are pretty cool. ;.-]

Finished 2 animations 


Completed two animations

Tested it, looks great.

One of these animations I feel is lacking but it’s ok.

I literally spent hours working on an animation with snow. It looks simple but it’s honestly ridiculous how much time it took to do. Frame by frame sucks. ;-/

I’m going to go through all the ogg music files and lower it a bit to save memory. It will take some hours.

I found some cool music on bandcamp that I wish I could license but I’m scared. The person makes good bangers. ;-]

I found new music to possibly use in the future. ;-]

(2 edits)

Still reducing ogg music files. Actually haven’t done anything today. 

Reducing the files is extremely boring.

Reducing the files has saved 500kb and more which is good. Quality of the songs sounds the same to me.

I have reduced all the songs in the game and have saved over 100 mb of memory. Yay! ;-]

I going to listen to some potential music to use

Added a couple more lines to C27.

I fixed word boxes for items. Some descriptions cut off. Some had to be adjusted. 

I’m adding more to a level by adding dialogue that was never intended. It was just supposed to be a small line but I went on a tangent. Good for the characters.

I’m going to build the next level soon.

Adjusted lvl 2 and added flowers.

Word box checked for the new dialogue in one of the new lvls. Nothing is cutoff.

Building new level

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