Looking for Pixel artists and/or Developers who would be interested in building a game similar in look and style to the old Lucasart/Sierra games (Monkey Island, Hero's quest, etc). Would be amenable to teams or people who run solo.
Would be building the game in conjunction with an indie rock artist to support the story from their album. Game would be short, playable in 1-2 sittings, and would ideally need to be build for browsers and mobile web. Open to Phaser/Unity/whatever. It is a marketing piece in that it is tied to the promotion of an album, but we want it to be a real experience as well with a well crafted story and polished play experience.
If you are interested send an email to gamedevs (AT) halopowered.com with your availability, portfolio and/or resume, location, rates, and a bit about yourself. This would be a paid contract engagement.
Some (simpler )games my team have put out before are below. What we are trying to make now is more ambitious: