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Real-time path-tracer in Unity

A topic by gw0001 created May 21, 2021 Views: 165
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Hello! I'm a soon-to-be games development graduate and I'm pretty new to

For a university module, I developed a toy real-time path-tracer with the Unity game engine. It was built with a few C# scripts and a HLSL compute shader. The compute shader runs on DX11, so RTX graphics cards are not required to run the application. However, performance will vary depending on how old the graphics card is.  If performance is an issue, you can adjust the resolution of the application.

I'm planning on updating this every now and then to improve performance further and add extra features, such as volumetric fog, textures, PBR, etc. A few screenshots from the application are shown below and the link to the application is also included.