One Last Night is a student project inspired by the cinematic platformer genre of the 90's. It is a 2-D narrative experience focused on visuals and story in a familiar setting. Éric Chahi's games (Another World and Heart of Darkness) greatly influenced the production and visuals of One Last Night. If you enjoyed Another World, Heart of Darkness, Flashback, or Oddworld and would like to see these style of games come back show support for the project by visiting the page.
As of now there is only one installment of One Last Night. If you play and enjoy the game, show support by giving your feedback and spreading the word. Reception of Act 1 will definitely influence the decision to continue the project by making an Act 2.
The main goals of the project were to learn how to make a basic 2-D game for PC, produce illustrations in photoshop, and create detailed rotoscope animations. All artwork in the game came from reference images and videos. Backgrounds and animations were made by drawing over still images and video frames.
To download the game on go to
To check out my other work go to