We are very excited to bring you the new massive Kezzel Pass update.
Here you have the extensive list of changes and improvements:
- Added RPG mechanic whereby the ATACK level affects the probability of hitting or missing the shot.
- Added DEFENSE skill mechanic. The higher the level, the less chance that the enemy will hit his shot.
- Added mechanics of the NAVIGATION skill that allows to suffer less damage when going through anomalies.
- Added mechanics of the MECHANIC skill (for repairs).
- Added mechanic in the retreat from Combat. Now escape depends on the status of the Drive and Skill Navigation.
- The chance to inflict and receive 0 damage attacks has been removed.
- A minimum possible damage is added per ATTACK level.
- Added minimal DRIVE damage when moving between map cells.
- Added a scoring system, with different values depending on the enemy.
- The concept of COMBAT ROUNDS is also incorporated. The fewer rounds used to take down an enemy, the more points you get.
- Added new money rewards system.
- Added REPAIR WORKSHOP screen. Add the ability to repair Hull, Weapons or Drive, during the trip at the cost of consuming travel time.
- Only allows one system to be repaired per shift.
- Added a system of increasing difficulty for passes.
- Restructuring of the final statistics screen with animation of the drop-down panel and text fused with alpha.
- Deployment and alpha animations on the WARNING home screen
- ENDGAME alpha fade redesign and better graphics.
- Redesign of the final departure point on the map.
- Change in the icons of the SHIP STATUS and ENEMY STATUS boxes.
- Operation of the DRIVE Status Bar in the UI ship.
- Added audios for info screens, repair, sound for failed escape.
- Added screen display sounds.
- Added windows with help in the Ship configuration screen.
- Restructuring of the END RACE screen showing more clearly the money earned.
- INIT CONGIG screen restructuring (Redistribution, colors and redundant text elimination).
- Added new source with OUTLINE.
- Added graphic labels on the MAP and INFOBOX.
- Added different sounds depending on the ANOMALY that is crossing.
Thanks for all your support, stay tuned.
We have a huge list of features that we want to implement