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A topic by Radu-Constantin Matusa created Mar 29, 2021 Views: 356
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(13 edits)



We at Empty Box are very happy with our latest game, NanoHive, a top-down perspective arena shootery influenced by , in which you play as a hive of nanobots that are trying to eradicate all bacteria and viruses inside a human body. This version is a bit buggy and unbalanced, being just a bit more fixed than the one uploaded on 28.03.2021 as the Jam submission.

There are currently quite a few bugs and only 2 levels in the game. In order to get to the second level, you must kill all enemies in level 1. We will be sure to update the game with bug fixes and more content in the future.

Start of level 1

Start of level 1

Level 2

Level 2

This is our fifth Game Jam entry as a team and our first Game Jam win.

Created as part and winner of Create Jam Spring 2021.

You can play it here, at NanoHive by Radu-Constantin Matusa (