My game about dating cute sports in a sport-only school is out on itchio right now.
Do you need to know something about sports to play this game?
Of course not! This is just a funny game that makes fun of pop culture. If you know how to read you are overqualified.
Live your best scholar life and date 7 amazing and not insane characters, while you try to become the next big sport that will take over the world (preferable by non violent means, but don't discard anything yet).
Each character has Two endings and a lot of side routes/content and minigames.
Do the characters in any order, the game is flexible like that yoga lady you keep meaning to talk to at any second now.
There is also a unique day state system (that subtle cloud or sun above the character) that gives bonuses with different characters according to events on the night before.
So what are you waiting for? Lose the last glimpse of sanity with our game.