When I try to update, play, or download any game I get this error message. SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN
I've tried using itch on both my laptop and pc, so I think the issue is with my internet.
I tried downloading a game and I got an error from my router saying
w3g3a5v6.ssl.hwcdn.net appears to be risky. This might be because it is new or may not have the latest security. You can still visit this site but, as a company dedicated to keeping your online experience safe, we thought you should know.
Anyone have an idea to why I'm receiving this error?
If anyone has the same problem I finally found a solution. I created a new profile in Firefox and it seemed to have fixed it. I think something may have corrupted in my other profile and that's why I was getting those errors. Type about:profiles in firefox and create a new one and it should fix it. OK NEVERMIND. it didnt fix it. I think i just got lucky one time cause now its back.