Hello everybody! We're currently making a game for university about a giant chicken destroying the city to save her little chicks.
I didn't realize itch.io had a devlog forum before - we are in the last days of the project - but I thought I still might post learnings and timelapses from the project! :) My posts will be about making the art of the game. If you're more interested in the programming side of things, you can find the coding counterpart on our programmer's blog: http://acribic.com/category/trash-chicken/ (he's still 2 weeks behind, new updates will come :))
But back to art! Here is a timelapse, where I drew the fox (our enemies) and the chick (you want to save).
I used GIMP to draw it and then the Layer export plugin to export the different body parts. Those body parts I imported into the bone-based animation tool Spriter. I then "rigged" it/created the skeleton for animation. Spriter is a pretty nice tool, even has IK features in the non-premium/free version. Saved me a lot of time with the animation :)
That's it on this. I hope you found it useful! If you want to get updated on the rest of the devlog, you can follow me here on itch.io: https://tinyworlds.itch.io/ or Twitter @tinyruin.