A Wood Heart
It is common knowledge that trees can not scream; although when the axe first touched that great oak, you would not have been so sure. The crack of blade on wood rang out around the forest and, in an instant, the cries of uncountable numbers of birds arose from the canopy. The axe kept coming, blow after blow and the sound of life in the forest grew louder with each strike; while the tree just stood there, gravely still and silent. Finally the tree fell and, when the sound of it hitting the floor had died, there was nothing left but silence. Not the silence of the forest, the silence of a million unseen lives busily going about their jobs. No, this was a complete and deathly silence, as if the forest itself had ceased with the tree.
A Wood Heart is a map drawing and story telling game about forest spirits, humans and the intersection of their existence. It is an unsubtle comment on our impact on the world.
During this game you and your friends will be drawing a map of a forest and the surrounding human settlements and documenting the changes to both of these over time. You do this through the lens of spirits that live in the forest who have seen the activity of the humans first hand.
Print copies also available
You can also get this game in a print format.