also lil tuto for true ending here! pls subscribe
Text based adventure game where you explore hundreds of locations in an attempt to uncover all the secrets. · By
also lil tuto for true ending here! pls subscribe
Steal the gun in the shop, kill everyone, take tye glowing shard and kill the basement man with it (the key is from the weed guy) also fun ending tuto + true ending tuto : and
so basically go on a murdering rampage after you rob the small shop in the town and to kill morshu just click [act] and then [H E A D S H O T]
then go in the shack in the woods. kill the moth, and go to the beach. then, select go to the ice cream truck. then proceed to do FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN ending, but collect the sample, go to the starting road, and click finish the job (kill yourself)
Monke Leader ending: get morshburger, steal from shop, go to monke hq(R L L L), get modified gun, kill bigg monke go to sixth floor and eat burger.
Discord mod ending: get morsh burger then go eat it in job agency
Crab rave ending: get burger, go to beach(L R R R) then swim to the rocks and feed crab with burger
to get the fun fun fun ending you have to rob small shop then kill the weed man in the dark alley then go llrl in the forest and then go to the shack rlll, get the key and to beat the fight you have to heal your self and tire him to win, after the fight go to the abandoned shack, kill the moth, go to the basement and use the glowing shard u got from the fight