Planet Unknown is an FPS Survival game set on an unexplored planet, currently in-development
Shoot & Slash Stuff, Fight Unseen Creatures and Conquer the Planet!
Shinado Uzake, cool screenshots of this game btw: I only play games on browser (sorry, no downloads because of 1) limited space and 2) a rather slow device even when it's about webgames too). I still like its font-text as title and the background of its itch-page there. Those grassblades and enemy also looking nice in design too, realistic and bit of virtual-touch. The sky just sounds quite "empty" maybe more fading or effects could be added somehow? That greyish-smoke looks cool and its squares somehow remembers me of minecraft-style.
Thanks for the reply! Glad you liked the visuals of the game and you could give me tips even when you could not play the game.
Now that you mention it, the sky does look empty and needs something on it, I am thinking of adding clouds and/or stars to decorate the sky.
I understand why you could'nt play the game but I will make sure that your advice has an effect on the development of the game :)
You're welcome & sure, if screenshots or youtube-videos being available, I could at least mention my opinion of its graphics and gameplay anyway, even not "playing" or manually selecting my path's preference in-game. So adding screenshots sound useful for those who's plan to view or favorite it on e.g. a phone and possibly saving it for download or webgame-version, if available.
Stars or Clouds sounds cool, maybe the first one could also slightly glow or bit of blink if it's a nightsky. Or in case or daytime: a sun would be cool, probably clouds' shape sound harder to animate which fits to the rest of the graphics? Also a moon could be used in both cases, maybe also a hint to red/blue-moon scenario in reallife or maybe just a white circle which could update from "full" to "croissant"-shape xD
Fog could be an alternate way of filling transparent air, even not the sky itself. Or if fire being planned in-game: smoke that fase away to the skies' top as black sparkles, could sound cool? Hopefully my thoughts don't sound too detailled or hard to design, those are just the ones that visually could be unique than just a sky, not sure if it even fades from e.g. morning to night, etc. too?