every time i try to download a few games it gets to the end of a games download then resets
It’s likely you have virus or security software interfering with the operation of the app. Security software might automatically delete a file that has been downloaded off the internet. I recommend temporarily disabling any such software to see if it makes a difference. If you identify the cause you can report the issue to the vendor of the virus software so they can push an update.
Help (I Am sorry for my mistake)
TreeStudiosUniverse - my profile user name
https://treestudiosuniverse.itch.io – page on itch.io
I am sorry for sent my project into jams that totally wrong
I never to that again , promises that I maintain the discipline of itch.io
Please uplift Ban and allow us to submit on jams
Blackprothoms 3 game jam only few times lefts to its ends
Please help
Thank you
Tree Studios