Hi all, I suppose it was about time I got round to posting about this. A while back I developed a handy little spritesheet slicing tool . Maybe there are some of you out there that might find this handy. The tool takes a spritesheet cuts it up and outputs keyframes in order in a folder. I built this little app to improve upon other spritesheet slicer I have found and used on the web. Here are the key features
-Online but works in local , no uploading large images or downloading server processed files.
-Tested on most modern browsers.
- easy to use select rows and coloumns.
- trim blank end frames.
-automatically number exported frames.
- resize and scale keyframes on the fly.
- test spritesheet animation with animation preview and frame speed selector.
Heres the link if you want to give it a whirl. https://www.gamedeveloperstudio.com/tools/spritesheet_slicer.php