I'm attempting to set up my account to hopefully be able to accept payments soon (my profile is currently empty but I have a couple of projects nearing completion) but am having a little difficulty understanding some things about payment here. Itch's guidelines are perfectly fine, I am mostly having issues understanding the parts where I have to provide a tax number, the tax interview process itself, and also I am unsure whether I would need a business PayPal account or whether a personal one will be fine.
If anyone has experience selling in the UK and could help explain a couple of things for me I would be incredibly grateful! Here are my questions (listed to hopefully make it clearer than the above paragraph haha):
- Is there a tax number available to me currently that I can use (maybe PAYE or something?) or would I need to still apply for an EIN/ITIN? (if so, does it matter which?)
- What does the tax interview process entail? I understand that this is where I would need the tax number and imagine that this is used to verify eligibility to actually sell?
- Would a PayPal personal account be OK or would I need a business account? I read that the personal account allows for casual selling, and the business allows for 200 employees, but I have none so I'm thinking personal should be OK?
Whether you have experience or not with selling in the UK, thank you for your time even just for reading this!