Hi Guys!
I have just released a Unity Asset called Fog Yeah. It is a fog of war system that does not use shaders!
It is a highly customisable system, allowing the user to specify arrays of colors, aspects of randomness and any images you want to generate a fog effect.
Here is a quick introduction video showing some of the features. It was designed to be super easy to use and versatile.
Main features include
HDRP & URP Support
- 2D and 3D Support
- Automatic Map & Fog Generation
- Fog regrowth modes
- Customizable shrouding effect
- Regrowing
- None
- Appearance
- Fog tile Color variations
- Fog tile Image variations
- A Random Color (From HSV) Button
- Placement Options
- Scattering
- Random Rotation
- Grid size
- Density
- Effectors Any transform can effect the fog.
- Example effectors
- Visually add your effectors before the scene loads.
- Automatically detect fog effectors
- Editor extensions
- Generate Fog Tiles
- Remove Fog Tiles - a general 'undo' button
- High performant code
- Multi Threading
- Members to add and remove effectors at runtime with examples
- Singleton instance for ease of use
- Extensive documentation & fully commented code