A new year. A new beginning. A chance to try new things!
To celebrate the Lunar New Year all of my games are 22%-off!
You can also pick up everything for just $50
Grab yourself a complimentary community copy if you want one of my games but can't afford it. Each game's community copies are refreshed when purchases are made.
Or you can tip me every month on Patreon or Ko-fi and get access to prototypes, and early access to all my games, past and future. Both my Patreon and Ko-Fi are pay what you can, so if you give just $1 (or more) you get all the same benefits.
More Sales and Bundles
If you're looking for other bundles of games or want to give to some worthy causes, check out these other bundles I'm part of while the Lunar New Year Sale is happening:
Solo But Not Alone 2 - A collection of over 100 single player TTRPGs, with all proceeds going to suicide prevention.
Big Feels Bundle - Tabletop games that hit you where it hurts, or makes you happy? Lots of big emotional games in here.
Con in The Dark Bundle - A collection of games, supplements, and more based on the Blades in the Dark RPG, supporting the first ever online convention centered on Blades in the Dark and Forged in the Dark games.
Happy New Year!
Includes the following games: