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A member registered Oct 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Wow, this game is incredible. The music matches with everything. The fact that you chose how to die in order to complete the level even faster. Just beautiful.

Very good idea. The atmosphere is nice too.

I'd like to see how the horde's gonna deal with a soldier with a flamethrower :P

Fun game. I like the idea and the graphics.

Maybe just reduce the traffic a little bit.

Overall, great game and on topic. Good Job. :)

Nice concept and graphics. 

Just, one thing, I beg you lower the volume at start. 

I find it unacceptable for a game to have the sound and music volume at 100% when you start the game for the first time.

Yey, I made it to the end :D, I usually suck at these kinds of games. Nice mechanics to not explode at the first impact but rather lose a fire-upgrade. 

Very good game.

Nice game. Perhaps just slow down the escalation. Monsters become too many too fast. Also, I was constantly losing the position of the crosshair, due to its color and size. Maybe it's just me :).

Anyways, I liked the idea. 

Haha, nice one. I like the concept and the graphics. What I don't like is the chance-based concept, but that's just me. I don't like games based on chance. 

Good game, keep up the good work.

Hi Everyone, I'm sorry I'll post here as the issue is the same and I do not want to repeat the same message :).

Thanks a lot for the feedback and for trying out the game. I'll fix it as soon as I find some more spare time. I also plan to make the asset fit better together. I know that currently it's like different asset packages put in the same game. I just took a bunch of my daughter's drawings from the past and created them into sprites :). I'll see how I can update them, add animations to the sprites as well. But first and foremost I need to make the ghost move faster to improve the overall experience. Maybe even use the coins collected to add to the energy (so no more coins rather energy balls)

Thanks for trying out the game. I see the movement speed is bothering everyone :) and I totally understand your point. I will fix  that as soon as I find some spare time

yep, and my 6 years old was excited shouting to me that the enemy is behind me :D.

Thanks, I played a bit. It looks nice. Had some problems with how the floating islands look. I was always jumping in the wrong direction :)

I was looking forward to playing this. Alas, another game that opens the source folder when clicking Launch in client (Win10). I don't know if the problem is with client or how the game is uploaded.

(1 edit)

Great graphics, great idea. This is the only game that "made" me finish it. I hope you don't abandon it and develop it further with more characters and twists. Made this one like a prequel or a playable intro-teaser ;)

Clicking "Launch" on just opens the folder. (Win10)

Ah, programmer's humor. If only I knew there were different types of sorting :D. Hell's better.

So far this is my favorite. Got stuck though. Keeping it installed, I wanna beat that bloody level.

Really difficult not hating you right now :D

maybe undead (zombies) become skeletons, then die. Or undead, split into angry ghosts and skeletons that both try to demolish the buildings. ;)

Windows 10 x64

Great idea. Maybe done with Unreal will have better performance with the level generation. Unfortunately, Rio's last ring didn't trigger level change so I got stuck flying in Rio :). I also don't see the topic of the Jam. 

Anyways, keep up the good job!

Nice game.

It would be nice if when dying you are allowed to possess other creatures. Like the smallest spiders, and the smallest capsules. :)

Nice game, it becomes impossible too quick though :). I'm missing that fire scythe to keep them undead - dead. :)

Unable to parse Build/Build.framework.js.gz! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: gzip" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug.

I cannot install it with client for windows

Nice game, I enjoyed it. The only problem I have is with the aim/camera motion. If I move and click aim, the aim is pointing UP.

Error: Couldn't load project data at path".". is the .pck file missing?

If you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension).

"Failed to Open descriptor file ../../../"

Great idea, reminds me of a game I played on Origin about a ghost jumping from person to person. I like the aesthetics as well, nice atmosphere. 

I was able to jump down outside the visible level and the player didn't die.

I also could not play, when I click 'Launch" on client it only opens the folder.

Well, you're dead already the point is. How would you spend your time in the "limbo". ;)

I cannot believe one basic game as this one could contain so much ads. The idea is decent, not innovative but good enough. However, at least make unlocking stuff permanent. Also, you should put it contains so much ads in the description. Even in the title.

Can't run .exe file on an android machine!

I believe that error and bug is not game related but rather Unity Web Player related.

Great idea and implementation. The design is superb. I really liked the wind effect.

The only thing I have problem with is the volume of the sound it's too loud.

I found minor bugs.

Overall, a great game.