I think the reward for using less draws is you add less bimbo cards to your deck
Recent community posts
Honestly I am ok with this, i find there are setups similar to this, but they never progress far because they try to give choice from the start. So for example for the amount of work you have done, if you gave us choices, others would only be on chapter 2, and potentially not even done with chapter 2.
I am honestly glad to see a fleshed out story before we are given the options to interact with the story as it seems like a breath of fresh air.
I think working backwards on choices once you complete the "Main story" is easier to think about. and gets a complete story out anyone can enjoy and not be waiting for as long. if you work on the branches early you increase your workload by that many choices. For example, not sure if you plan this, what if instead of the 2 girls competing to be the biggest they pool their catalysts into one or the other. Big differences that require 3 different stories, 1 how you have it, 2 if Sam gets it all, 3 if Alex gets them all.
Just want to know if you are ok, you have been pretty consistent with an update 90ish days after the free release. Don't care so much for a when it will be released, but want to make sure you are ok and still working on it.
I love this so much, alongside your Gain Trials. Just don't want to see this project die like i have with others in the past.
I believe it has been changed that you cannot start the sandwich recipe until you reach the point where you move in with one of your three love interests. you can start collecting the ingredients like the donut lady. but you wont be able to start it at the curio until you have moved in with someone else.
not sure if it is really a problem, but in later stages of the game (at least on realistic) if you do a craving event and get 2k Kilo the game will take about 10-30 minutes counting up your fat points.
Similarly if you constantly get new girls (cutting fans in half) it becomes hard to pay for both food and Bed upgrades.
Right now these are not a problem as they tend to happen around the final 5 stages of growth, but if we are to fill that room it could be a time consuming endeavor to wait for fat points and money to accumulate.
Am i missing something about cravings? I got the Sweetness craving, so I gave the Gummies which has a sweetness of 4. However i didnt get the crazy weight gain i can get when sour (using apple) and bitter (using coffee) happen. Is there some hidden, only one item triggers it, thing I am missing.
Same problem when it is looking for spicy
Edit: is the cravings a stacking bonus? i just had a savory craving, and instead of giving 30ish lbs which is what i had before i reset, this one only gave 13 (my day to day is about 8)
I think an interesting idea for a girl is we find her losing weight so we see a few stages where she actually gets smaller, but she does this not to be thin but so she can pig out for a few months at a time. Then while we help her pig out we convince her to get even fatter and keep convincing her that she should go bigger before going back on a diet to start over.
A girl who loves getting stuffed but knows how to lose the weight so she can keep stuffing herself without becoming immobile.