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A member registered 67 days ago · View creator page →

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for me the paddle wont even spawn in

thanks bro but yours is better fr fr

is this better ?

I am not sure if it turned out good but if you want me too i can make another

sorry for a late response ive been bussy but yes ofcourse bro ill let u know when im done

Appreciate you G

the music is a 10 / 10 without a doubt

he means when youre seeing the level or the player

thanks bro i really appreciate it :)

your buttons must be broken cus it works for me and everyone else

it was indended so the 2 in the middle stopped when touching them, if all 4 started rotating again you would fall off while moving the cursor to the other platform 

w to jump 

a to move left

d to move right :)

thanks bro

sorry but if you would cred i would really appreciate it <3

thanks bro

try again

oh sorry i just forgot to publish the project


i have made a song on soundtrap whats ur email so i can send it to you

its suppossed to be like that, use R to reset if you get stuck. u need to remember the pattern.

btw bro do you need someone too make a song to you if you do , im here

kinda like the game icon Before you enter the game. before you open tiktok you see that photo of the note

btw I recommend adding a photo to the game so theres a higher chance of the jam host to play it

i just wanna let you know that you are using 3 colors, orange for the level variabel you can rather use a sprite saying the level 

when touching portal brodcast level 2 

when i recive level 2 change  costume

and so on.

I managed to play level 7

1-BIT JAM #3 community · Created a new topic theme


ok. Thanks Bro

Can i make my game jam entry on