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A member registered Dec 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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That title says bumba

Very clean, very satisfying! Both this and Underground appartment has great UI! Minor feedback: I want a black hole feature. The pressure is high enough, where is my black hole. image.png

Love this!! Agree that some diffuculty could be nice, but i also like the laid back vibe you’ve got going now.

Yo wth you made the game we planned to make but didn’t have time to, so we dropped the minigames

(1 edit)

Episk Jona! Par biter med feedback:

  • Jeg døde noen ganger, som ikke gir mening, for jeg er perfekt. Må være en bug.
  • Jeg likte spillet, som ikke gir mening for jeg liker bare meg selv.
  • Du bør ikke bruke Esc som en knapp i WebGL spill for det lukker fullscreen modusen.
  • For mye vann. 7/10

Revive som mechanic er veldig lurt når man viser fram spill til folk som gir opp alt for lett (meg), og det føltes likevel som at spillet hadde konsekvenser for dårlig spilling, så setter spillet opp til en god:

7/11 (høyere tall = bedre)

Nope, never heard about FAR before. Trailer looks cool as hell though. Will check it out! Btw completely agree about adding ambient music. Sound is our weakest point, but i’d love to improve.

Being compared with don’t starve is the highest honor. Thank you!

Nice game! It was fun and felt responsive! Good work! The water could use some additional frames. It kinda hurt to look at in full screen because it moved so fast. Otherwise I liked the art! Good luck on getting some more reviews! Leaving comments is the way to go if you want people to check out your game

lol yup im dumb

Seems you uploaded the webGL files to this page instead of on your page. Still not playable ://

I forgive you. Now I shall play

Cool game! If you were to continue the game, you could try adding reeling in as a part of the game, trying to avoid other fish while the fish you’ve caught tries to pry itself free. I like the concept, good luck!

Nice game! It felt nice and responsive, and had a nice difficulty curve. To make it more convincing that you’re actually going deeper, you could use a looping texture or some simple background elements moving upwards. Good luck!

You forgot the game oops

No wayy, the AAA Gaming Company called “AAA Gaming Company” played our game!!

Ahh, I see! Then i’ll change my rating a little

(1 edit)

Wrong game jam? An RPG doesn’t fit the theme of the jam. I don’t see how this fits “Diving deeper”. Looks good though!

We all live on a very slow yellow submarine! Good work, and great graphics! Only wish you’d flipped the sprite when moving to the right.

Nice game! Great music, and a cool upgrade system. Only wish there’d been some kind of way to heal

If the player isn’t scared shitless is it really a game?


This looks and feels really good! One thing I couldn’t help but notice - The walking sound effects are waay to slimy. Kid needs a shower.

Nice game! Things got a little to dark at the end, so you were forced to wildy block and pray. But a great game to race friends with!

This is gamefeel in its purest form. Good job!

Nice work! And incredibly beautiful. Only minus is that i’d sometimes drop pieces in the spot of another house, which made me lose twice for one mistake.

This is so elegant! Best submission I’ve played so far! I’m genuinely super impressed! Good luck!

Aiaiai fellow submarine enjoyer! Great work, and good job on the art!

(2 edits)

At first I played this without sound, and holy cow the music made a big difference! The game is satisfying and fun, and has a nice difficulty curve. I played it until i’d nearly upgraded everything!

To improve the project I’d focus on gamefeel, and the near miss mechanic. The near miss mechanic was the part I had the most fun with, and what kept me playing. What could you do to make near misses even more satisfying? A combo system, speed boosts, and particle effects come to mind. You could take inspiration from SUPERFLIGHT, in which you gain more points the longer you stay in danger. The 10th near miss in a short period could reward way more points than the first. Showing how many points you get for each near miss could also feel good.

Otherwise you could improve gamefeel by making the launch have more impact, for example by zooming out upon launch. You could also further emulate super toss the turtle by having fuel drops and only having the player lose after a few seconds without fuel. Oftentimes in super toss the turtle you think a “run” is over, only to barely stumble over a launch pad or something similar.

Thank you again for a great comment, and good luck!

Thank you for the critique! This was really helpful, and must be repayed. Solar Diver review incoming!

The graphics are so good! Feels super nice, and love the grid effect. Good job!

This looks so good I must marry your art

I do love myself a slime daddy.

This was really fun! The combo system was a great idea! I did think that the oil was a big black rock cough in the beginning, but that cleared up pretty quickly.

Correction: We did not make the Vine boom sound effect

Here i sit, among my diamond friends

I love downwell, and I love katanas. You’ve made heaven.

Well done! The theme was cool, and the movement felt satisfying. Some critiques: I didn’t get that you couldn’t shoot behind yourself before a friend told me. Maybe an audioqueue or something might help with that. I’d thought there was an ammo system that wasn’t displayed. The fact that you got attacked while reading was also kinda irritating. Setting time.timeScale to 0 while reading might help with that. Good luck!

Thank you for playing! And thank you for the video, super helpful!

All participants have rated each other, so the rating process will end early.

Thank you! I’d absolutely agree on the loss of character on the art. The original was drawn on my phone with my thumb, and while I enjoy some parts of the artstyle it created, I never want to draw a whole jam project like that again. I’ll try to experminent with some new brushes! As for the small amount of changes, the programmer on the team was less available than originally anticipated, and we didn’t have time to add much. We’ll work on that post-jam.