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PK Breakfast Ω

A member registered Jan 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Ooooh okay that makes a lot of sense then!! that 0.1 “flaw” has been erased then haha, sorry for the uninformed “critique” ^^u I didn’t know the logic for it, and it all makes plenty of sense yeah. I also thought the UI for the trilogy took too much screen space originally but didn’t even realize this was replicating THAT as well, nor did I notice there were accessibility options like so.

I definitely am on the side of accessibility myself as well, just didn’t realize this UI could help with that!

I really like this!! The writing is charming and funny, the music rocks, the art is ADORABLE and well-made, this is like, a 9.9/10 for me at this moment and I can’t wait for the full to come out!

The only 0.1 “flaw” I myself could see on this is perhaps the textbox UI could be smaller? I realize that like, 99% of the dialogue takes only 3 lines of text (and the small amount of dialogues that don’t is for like, a single word or two where a small rewrite could easily make it fit three lines), yet the message box is way taller than that, which leaves a lot of the screen covered that could’ve been freed by just reducing the size of the message box.

I’m so sorry my super small nitpick (that isn’t even THAT important at all. it doesn’t affect the quality nearly enough for it to be remarkable) ended up being longer than my praise for this; it was just longer and harder to explain, but rest assured it’s very unimportant and even if that isn’t changed I’m looking forward to this project ^^u

is there gonna be new Community Copies available? i REALLY love the concept of this game and think would enjoy it a lot, as I know lots of other peoplew would as well ^^

(2 edits)

ok so im not into ntr myself, like its not one of my things or whatever, but ive always been confused whats the big deal with ntr being SUCH a turn off that people act actually angry about its existence. you can really consume every kink over the sun but place the line at “girl cheats on guy”? like thats weird. considering it such a deal breaker or like, morally awful or whatever? like sure irl that sucks but these are fictional relationships. you are not being cheated on irl, i dont understand this big, huge deal made out of it lol

anyway, soapbox done, the game looks nice, ill check it and give my thoughts once i have them. just had to say this rn cuz i was MYSTIFIED by the comments here, specially since its not the first time ive seen such a vitriolic reaction to the concept.

Seconding or uh, third-ding this??? anyway point is, id LOVE to play this so much

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Does this in any way change the subtitles that are shown? Because I would love to install this to have the japanese voices in the song, but also I’m playing with a fan translation to Spanish, and it would be a bit weird if suddenly the subtitles for the ending song were in english, specially because the spanish fansubs were made more based on the japanese lyrics than the english ones ^^u

It’s been 9 months since you posted this and I’d like to know the same! ^^

thank you!! i made this at a very early stage in “development” and a buncha stuff already changed, plus i’ve started a bit of a huge art-block so i haven’t worked on the project for a while, but i’ll return and make a one-episode demo as soon as possible!! (“as soon as possible” still meaning a very long time, probably, but still. i thought it was important to clarify)

hi! is this the full version you said you were gonna make, or the same game from before? i will most likely buy it regardless cuz i really like it and wanna support you and stuff, i just wanna know!

Hi!! This looks really good, but I need to ask before buying; does this work exactly like it does on mobile, what with having different packs you gotta buy separately and all? If it is, then it’s okay, this question is only to make a consideration and see if I can afford it or not!!

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Oh you’re welcome! and thank you so much!! That is very nice of you ^^

The player did have an idea for what that one crafting option could be! Following the advice that it should be entertaining but not overly useful, they came up with this:

“A shard of glass that, when looked through, shows what happened to an inspected object in the area up to 10 minutes prior.”

Thanks in advance ^^

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hi! i got this and its very fun and really good and my players had ideas for their character’s profession backstory!! and its thanks to that interest that one of my players noticed a mistake on one of the Tinker’s abilities! the text just abruptly ends without wthout finishing the last crafting option!! just thought i would let you know not only to know what that option’s ending is, but also so other people who buy this can get a version that doesnt have such problem!! ^^ heres the problem btw!!

hi!! i got this supplement and i LOVED it! ive always wondered what to do in downtimes and how to keep them interesting without resorting to just do another highstakes adventure. this will definitely help me and my party a lot!!

i did find some small typos and formatting errors which i fixed so my players may understand with no hiccups (as minor as the hiccups actually are).

i’d be willing to send you the fixed version if you want (for free of course, as i said it was just minor typoes and formatting errors, nothing big)! i could just tell you where the mistakes are but its easier to just send you the file so you dont have to do it!

so yeah, tell me if i should send it your way and i will ^^

GOD this looks cool!! i wish i had the money to get it right now but as soon as i do and play a session or two, ill be making my review of it!

So, any ways to fix it?
As I said I've tried desactivating Avast and the result is no different.
Should I get other antivirus that doesn't mess with itch or something like that?

Yeah, I use Avast. 

Actually, I've already tried deactivating it while installation was going but it always reached the same result with or without so I don't know if it's that.

Every time I try and install itch it stops and shows me this

An this is what the error tells me it is, but I don't really understand what it means or how I should fix it since I know NOTHING about the technical aspects of stuff.

What should I do to fix this and be able to install and open itch as normal?

I'm kiind of stuck at the infinite sign part? You know that one, where it just glitches and the about has a danger sign followed by infinite.
Well, that part. I've been stuck on this for some weeks, to the point I stopped trying and only know I tried again and still in doubt.

I'm probably just dumb, but that's why I ask for help in the first place, right?