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A member registered Jul 27, 2021 · View creator page →

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A wise druid once told me: 
The high lavatory contains secrets of a forgotten future. Thy two feet must be placed atop the washbasin for thy to hear the hidden whispers.

Anyways good game, scared the hell out of me, didnt finish cuz im bad 

Ay, a fartfish banger 

it’s just a different control scheme to what people are used to usually used to, stick with it for like 20 minutes and it’ll feel natural 

Target change is for changing targets for your missiles to lock onto! I made the lock on distance too short, but you have to get decently close to lock on unfortunately 

projectiles always damage if they hit, but they despawn if unlocked for too long because of lag reasons

You are too far away! You need to be roughly 2km from the target to lock on with missiles and roughly 1km away to hit with the gun

half of those suggestions are already in the game lol, i had to make the missile sound quiet because it got really annoying hearing it in playtesting 

You can change the mouse sensitivity in the settings

Hey nice, you found a fatal flaw to this game, people who are too scared to graze a lot will think that the bosses are far too tanky, so to compensate I needed to make them weaker, but this also meant that people who graze a lot can kill the bosses in like 2 minutes 

Gonna need more details than that. This game is already enough to make DCS players weep, I don't know how much extra I can simplify before it becomes a rail shooter

it literally is arcade gameplay lmao, what kinda games you talking about 

Sorry about that! its a little hard to represent distance at this scale, try out the second boss though, its less of a drag (hopefully) and has a more straightforward finisher
Glad to see someone who actually plays the genre play this game though, thanks for playing 

I don’t really see the point of that in a game like this honestly 


Take this review with a grain of salt because I suck at bullet hells and i struggled immensely with this game

Basically, I didnt know what the alter does so I gave it all my lives when i first saw it and couldnt beat any bosses with only 1 life left, so i played each one to see the attacks it has


 - Great boss design, lots of fun bullet patterns

- Ridiculous amounts of content.... this is insane for a one month production

- Great music and sound design.... easy 5 star for that

- Innovative concept on the bullet hell genre


- Ok... this is more of a personal gripe because I DESPISE THIS SPECIFIC THING... YOU HAD A BIG CHARGE ATTACK IN THE GAME, the 3 orb attack, AND YOU DIDNT BOTHER MAKING IT JUICY???? ARE YOU CRAZY???? YOU HAVE THAT MUCH GOOD SOUND DESIGN... YOU COULDVE AT LEAST MADE IT SOUND GOOD! you couldve at least made the projectile faster or smthing, but no, its the same projectile.... I hate that so much man... imo, big charged attacks mostly exist in video games to GIVE JUICE. They are literally the prime juice move... you have anticipation of charging it, and the huge payoff when you land the hit... 

- The dash mechanic thing with the absorbing bullets is pretty poorly implemented... its quite hard to aim the dash on keyboard, and there shouldve been a longer "grace period" where you could gain power from orbs. I wouldve also liked a larger radius for the player to absorb orbs to deal with the aiming issue

- The player was just too slow... it took forever to get anywhere, and I found myself chasing bullets a lot to absorb them. It mightve been better to make the player 

All in all, pretty good game lol... add an easy mode if you ever do a post jam update so i can beat the game

Good game all around! There was some graphical issues, but since its a game jam those are excused. The exchange mechanic was implemented perfectly, full 5 on that. However, I wished there was an arrow pointing to the boss or something, because I got really lost the first time i switched to orange and spent like 2 minutes just trying to find where the boss is lol

I referenced controls from ace combat / project wingman / Microsoft flight sim..... didn’t know it would alienate the war thunder audience....

pro tip you can turn off the mouse camera in the settings 

yeah, sorry about that, the controls were modelled after games like ace combat and project wingman.... I’ll probably add more control options for a post jam update, it’s just hard to appeal to all audiences considering how many different ways different games get you to control planes

I feel like this is some kind of cry for help but yay i drained a couple oceans to stop some bombs hooray

See this is why john must die. He gave us a shitty shitty game, and he deserves an execution because of it. Find him, and kill him. That is your one true goal. Do not falter to the distractions the game deceives you with, as it is all a ploy for John to escape. You still have time left to end him. Hurry, before its too late and he invades this years jam too

Pig commenting on this game..... oh god are you joining boss rush jam this year 

Yep! All elements have a unique effect! It took a lot of work, there were 4 effects for revolver, 4 for Pirate-15 (+1 for the neutral effect), and 2 from barrels. In total, there were 11 different effects we had to make!

Impressive aurally is the best complement ive ever heard. Gonna be using that myself from now on 

at least someone noticed

Amazing game! Great polish, though I was a little bad at the puzzles. Honestly, super impressive what you guys managed in a little more than 2 weeks! I loved how much music variety there was in the game, props to the musicians. Also had great charming art too. If I had one complaint, the background was a little disorienting and I wish the concept of spikes blocking lasers was explored much much more. 


Any specifics so we can improve?

you underestimate my power, Prox. A man on Jupiter by February? Ha. Don’t make me laugh. Why on earth would my wifi be so horrible? Exactly. 

could you elaborate, what’s the issue with full screen?

Hey! thanks for playing!
Yeah, I wanted the goat to "act" arrogant, so I added a few things it can do just to troll you (the rose and tbagging)

The music was made by Kelarima for the jam! I can ask her to upload it somewhere if you'd like!

The bosses are named after what they are!
Trickster's moveset is based off the trickster style in the DMC series, being able to dash and teleport around the map
Powerhouse is named that since he attacks the hardest and the fastest, so he has "power"
GOAT is named both as a joke on the phase G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) and also is a joke to with his nameplate
(The nameplates dont actually say the name, they say something else)

Finally someone who learns the patterns and dodges!
yeah i think a big mistake i made when creating this game was making the reward for dodging attacks too low. I might give the enemies way more vunerability or some kind of "critical strike" system for dodging an entire combo

I'm honestly not too sure how to approach fixing the vfx, i might try to make all the hit effects smaller but then again making the game widescreen could also fix that issue.

Im thinking about it, and if i were to make a post jam update, the things ill probably do are


2) Some kind of combo system rework to make spamming less viable

3) Increasing player health and decreasing lives

4) Somehow making dodge more viable (maybe it regains structure or something idk) 

Fun little game! Aside from the sluggish kind of feeling the player gave (which I quickly got used to), the gameplay was pretty good and well thought out. I got softlocked at one point, but it was all good as I didn't lose too much progress by restarting. I like how intergral the dash is in this game, and this game feels quite calculated as opposed to my initial thought that this was a button masher. I wished the music in the game couldve been longer however, though time constraints of jams make details like that hard to perfect. The super move was fun to mess around with, though it feels a little weak for how powerful it looked. No complaints on the resolution whatsoever. Good submission to the jam!

I have no idea why that happens then lmao 

Sorry about the speedster! Its a bug which happens in webgl, maybe try the download version? 

Interesting game! Controlling the wind to move bullets is not something i expected, but it was nice after i got the hang of it. Controlling bullets isnt exactly unique in this jam, but the fact that you dont control the bullets, but the wind instead was pretty smart. I liked how you needed to move the bullets to hit the red guys while trying to keep them away from the green guys, it felt like a fast paced puzzle. I wished there was more level variety other than just more enemies and good guys, and it would also be cool for the guard to fire in a fixed pattern instead of a random spray. Good work! 

A solid game all around! I liked the sketchy art style, and the idea of faking an identity was pretty cool. However, the game is pretty buggy, and I softlocked myself in dialogue a few times. The dialogue was also sometimes bugged out and showed the wrong thing, or sometimes showed dialogue spoken by the wrong person. But thats probably because of the short jam limitations, and overall this game is pretty damn good!

This game is amazingly made! Extremely creative and really nice artstyle! the only thing I didn't like was how it was hard to tell when some enemies were going to attack, but that can easily be fixed!

that getting hit by someone invisible is the possession timer! It deals damage to you when you run out of time on your possession, but it was poorly communicated. Sorry!