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A member registered Dec 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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What UI are you talking about exactly? The battle UI, the overworld corner UI, or the pause menu UIs? Or all of them?

The platforming is supposed to be difficult, the game is meant to be a challenging game. I'm totally fine with people struggling and dying a few times in the beginning, but if it becomes like completely excessive then that's a problem. So far most people I've seen play through it have died 1-5 times ish, which to me is completely within the realm of what I'm shooting for. Do you think it's significantly harder than that, or do you just not really like difficult platforming?

So in the demo, Jerbo just shows up in your party. Initially that wasn't the case, but the fights were way too simple and boring (because you know... the beginning of rpgs are like that) so I basically set the party to early-mid game instead of beginning of the game, and made the fights there a bit more difficult to show off the fights, which doesn't really happen in this part of the game (which again... the beginning of rpgs are like that). In the full version of the game, only Jeebo is present during this entire section of the game, and you unlock Jerbo upon entering the city with a full introduction and everything.

As far as the list of controls, are you talking about the Obligatory Tutorial that says Z - Interact, X cancel, Backspace - respawn, Escape - Pause?
The rest of the "tutorials" are on those signs, but I was afraid that if I didn't tell players at least the very basics they would likely not know how to interact with things or anything like that.

So crazy, everything is filled with pollen now

Really, fun! Perhaps a tiny bit slow but it probably speeds up later on, I actually got stuck on a level where I beat all of the enemies but then the doors didn't open :/ I got to like level 9 or so when that happened. The upgrades are simple but effective. I like the atmosphere and the gameplay is overall really fun.

A few issues besides the bug is that I didn't know the controls, I didn't feel like they were super easily communicated to me but I figured most of them out after a few levels. I saw something about a time stop but couldn't figure out how to do it. I saw that right clicking was like a sword or something? I only figured it out on the last level and never was able to use it. I also saw something about a dash in the upgrade tree but couldn't figure out how to do that either. Maybe a brief tutorial just quickly going over the moves in a fun way would be nice.

Thanks so much for the feedback!

It never even crossed my mind that menus should have SFX haha that's a super easy fix though, and for the battle endings, I really like the transitions being super quick so you don't have to wait for the transition to end, but I could add a very quick transition out of battles to replace the fade out, that doesn't seem too hard.

That's a good idea about the item stats, I could add a little box on the side that has the basics then maybe the description will have all the additional flavor text.

There's a lot more lore in the characters' dialogue and item descriptions than you probably realize at first, but I will say that a few of the characters right there at the beginning are just little jokes. Which I'm fine with, but I could probably add 1 or 2 small things to a couple of them.

When you are trying to cross those spinning spikes, Jerbo subtly hints at what you're supposed to do, but there's also a CeraTip(TM) sign that explains it in depth right next to the first non-spinning saw. What you're supposed to do is press DOWN in the air (Or RTrigger I believe on controller) as Jerbo above the saws. Jerbo will turn into a spike and if you time it correctly he will bounce off of the spike allowing you to bounce across the gap. Did you not see the sign that explains it or did you not understand what it was saying? That was the part that many of the beta testers got stuck on too, but after I added that sign it seemed to fix it for them, but it may still not be as clear as it could be.

Thanks so much again for all the feedback! I'll try to implement these changes asap! (and let me know about the sign by the saws so I can fix accordingly)

Unfortunately I can't... It was made on GameMaker Studio 2 and I would have to purchase the web game license to do so which is quite expensive...

Cute little game! I love the pixel art, and the vibe is really fun.

It needs settings, especially for volume control, (web games are super loud on my computer for some reason so not being able to adjust that is pretty annoying for me)

I died like 6 times trying to figure out the jump button. Enter seems like a weird choice to me, but mostly the fact that it never tells you is the problem. Maybe making that pop up for a second upon starting a new game, or when you approach the first ledge, or even on the start menu would be nice.

The screen seems a little too zoomed in to me, as it's very difficult to see what's coming up, but that could be the point I suppose as that shifts the difficulty more towards reaction time and less from timing, so I guess that's up to what you want it to be. For me personally though it felt too zoomed in.

Overall, very cute graphics, very fun music and overall vibe. A good little game.

Super cool idea! I really love the concept. The SFX bug where sometimes deaths of enemies are super loud is pretty annoying, but you already know about that as it was in the description lol.

I don't think the UI needs to be up with the controls at all times, the controls are very simple so I think it popping up for a couple seconds at the beginning then disappearing would be fine. It takes up a lot of the screen and is very distracting. Or maybe you could just have like "hold tab to show controls" be really small in the corner then holding tab pulls it up. Idk. Something like that though.

I didn't understand what to do in horror or in platformer. Was I supposed to jump on the enemies in platformer? I tried to a couple times but couldn't tell if I was being hurt or hurting them or if nothing was happening. I was just confused. Horror seemed like you just kinda stood there for a second and slowly walked away from them cuz they were super slow and easy to avoid. Also, horror mixed in with this isn't scary at all (if it's intended to be) because you can't really switch from a shooter to stealth to something genuinely creepy that quickly. Not saying you can't include horror, but just know that it won't actually be scary. But again, that's completely fine if that's not the intention.

During stealth you got another gun but it wouldn't shoot and I didn't know if it was something else entirely or what. Also, it seemed like I should've gotten caught a bunch of times but usually it didn't trigger, so Idk if it was a bug or if I was just barely avoiding them or what.

I also agree with everyone else that the map is wayyy too small, and it seems the only objective is to shoot the ghosts during the shooter phase. The map could shift around for different modes too sometimes, like maybe platformer some holes appear in the ground (just make sure they're not directly under the player haha) and you have to make it to a certain point of the map before the time runs out or you lose a life. Adding goals could be super cool. You could honestly do the same for stealth and maybe horror could be getting collectibles (like SlyBalto suggested) and you have to complete the objectives before it switches to the next phase or else you lose a life or something like that. Idk, stealth may not need it since avoiding being seen is a decent objective in and of itself, but horror and platforming definitely need some sort of objective.

Super cool concept though, very rough around the edges but definitely something that I could see being developed into something super fun.

Ok, so I think the game was glitched when I played it cuz after a few rounds I was like "this is super easy" then I looked at my health and it was full and I was like "how is that possible I know my walls have been hit a few times" then I just stopped and let them attack and I was taking no damage. Also, I didn't see that the player could fire through walls until very late into the game, but when I figured it out it seemed very broken. I think only turrets should be able to do that probably? idk. The reduce weapon cooldown seemed super op to me, but again I couldn't take damage so I could be wrong on that. I think maybe reload speed could be upgradable? But that would maybe combine with the shoot speed to be even more ridiculous so maybe not haha, I'm not sure. I kept accidentally teleporting back to the center of the base in the first couple rounds when trying to reload, but got over that real quick so I think that's just me. I really like how the different goblins have different walk speeds and healths, that was really nice for variety and made the game less predictable. Overall, cute game. Fun concept, but it got boring for me after a few minutes, (but again, that very likely could be due to the fact that I was invincible haha)

Aw man I tried to play it cuz it looked cute but it's android only :/ I don't have an android... I downloaded it on my pc and was like "what's an apk file" haha

Cool game! Pretty fun concept, fantastic sound design overall. Very satisfying gameplay. It was pretty easy, I got a gold medal on all the levels I tried first try, but this is a prototype so I assume it'd get harder. Still a fun little game though!

Here are some issues I found:

1. In the shop "E" and "X" aren't used to confirm even though that's how you select levels. Took me a second to figure out it was enter. Just a bit odd.

2. In the level "This is Lapped" I couldn't find the second checkpoint for a couple seconds, maybe an arrow indicating where to go or something there? Could just be me though. I did notice that there was an arrow pointing up about halfway through the course and was a bit confused as to what it meant, but I saw the next checkpoint so it didn't throw me off, I just didn't know what it was for. Also it feels like you're given a bit too much time for this (and honestly the other levels too probably, but it was more noticeable here given that  you had to lap like 5 times in the time period rather than just finish in the given time) especially since I got lost at the beginning but still got a gold medal with like 30 seconds left at the end. It also felt weird that it was "Score this many points" by going through checkpoints instead of just going through a certain amount of laps. I don't know if there is a specific reason for that, if there is I didn't get it so maybe try communicating that a bit better, and if not, maybe change it to just 4 laps or whatever.

3. Levels are different colors in the overworld I assume to say what kind of level they are, but don't change or anything to indicate they've been completed except when you're actually hovering over them. Maybe add some indicator to show if they've been completed (maybe by showing which medal you have floating over it or a second ring of the color of the medal you've gotten, or whatever)

4. Some of the UI is broken/confusing. The timer gets overlapped by the level complete message that pops up upon beating the level, and there were a couple levels where I couldn't figure out initially how well I had done because I couldn't find the timer since it was being covered up by that and I didn't see any indication of which medal I got. I eventually saw that in the overworld it shows your time/points for the level, but still doesn't actually say which medal you have. It's easy enough to figure out, but it takes a second whereas just displaying that would be a lot better. Especially right at the level complete screen instead of having you try to figure it out yourself. Also, there are two bars at the bottom that I have no idea what they do. There's a red one and a yellow one, and I've noticed them sometimes going down and up I think but I have no idea why. EDIT: I played the rewind level and figured out the yellow bar. It never actually said how to rewind, but I figured it out almost instantly.

5. I don't think most people will figure out the rewind instantly and it should be stated to them somehow. 

6. The bowling pin level was really cool in concept, but it just felt a bit awkward to me. It was the only level I didn't do well on. This could very well be a personal thing to me though so take this one with a grain of salt.

Overall super cool concept though! The name makes me think of pokemon haha but that's fine. I really liked the level "Checkpoint Chase" as I thought it was cool that you could see the future checkpoints but the next checkpoint was clearly marked as the next checkpoint so I never struggled to figure out which way I was supposed to go. I also liked that the last checkpoint was purple to indicate the end. Why are the other level's final checkpoints not purple? (or did I just not notice until here haha). I definitely like the concept but it is very easy and has some polishing needing to be done. I never figured out what the red bar did so communicating things more clearly would be a good idea, but this is a really good prototype! Nice job!

Ahhh I accidentally changed the name of the exe when I did the latest update, I changed the settings in Steam to launch the correct one haha, thanks so much for letting me know!!