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Ok, so I think the game was glitched when I played it cuz after a few rounds I was like "this is super easy" then I looked at my health and it was full and I was like "how is that possible I know my walls have been hit a few times" then I just stopped and let them attack and I was taking no damage. Also, I didn't see that the player could fire through walls until very late into the game, but when I figured it out it seemed very broken. I think only turrets should be able to do that probably? idk. The reduce weapon cooldown seemed super op to me, but again I couldn't take damage so I could be wrong on that. I think maybe reload speed could be upgradable? But that would maybe combine with the shoot speed to be even more ridiculous so maybe not haha, I'm not sure. I kept accidentally teleporting back to the center of the base in the first couple rounds when trying to reload, but got over that real quick so I think that's just me. I really like how the different goblins have different walk speeds and healths, that was really nice for variety and made the game less predictable. Overall, cute game. Fun concept, but it got boring for me after a few minutes, (but again, that very likely could be due to the fact that I was invincible haha)