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A member registered Jun 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Some enemies need some nerfs to specific attacks, but all-in-all I absolutely adore this game. You've done an excellent job with both the gameplay and the aesthetic.

One of the best aspects is trying new combinations; I won't make suppositions about how easy it is to add new gamemodes, but a custom mode where you pick level III classes and any items would be really fun for some broken gameplay against, say, a boss rush or such.

Honestly, right now the biggest thing I want is for hidden item achievements to be separated from hidden leaderboard achievements. I want to unlock the items and care very little about the leaderboards, so it sucks that I can only see three at a time and most of the time they're leaderboards I need to unlock in order to see the criteria for a new item.

Would rebuy for Steam or Switch, as others have said.