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A member registered May 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really polished game feel and art! I love the CRT filter too I'd be interested in more levels!

(1 edit)

Pretty fun! Art reminds me of McPixel After a while though the difficulty seems to stop. Maybe spawn clusters and you have to hit the jumping ones from the air? Nice work.

Super awesome take on the iconic Offline Platformer! I love when the screen inverted colors too when it got faster, reminded me of super hexagon. Also the dance you can do by making the dino crouch is really funny.

Clean Aesthetic with an even Cleaner gameplay loop. Awesome job!

Game feels super polished! I would love to play more levels!

Really fun game with neat art! There were a lot of times where there would be a fall and it was unclear whether or not there was a floor underneath without falling so maybe implement a way to look below you? Great submission!

Great start to an interesting game! The force applying to the rigidbody makes the game feel way too loose to control for a precision dropping game. Also it would be great if the player remained towards the top of the camera and a little more zoom out so you could see where you're falling. Great job!

The music and art are super charming! I feel like the gameplay loop is lacking a whole lot though. You can pretty easily just walk past all the monsters and the attack is hard to land mid air too. Perhaps require a number of monsters to be slain before the bottom opens up and maybe make the attack more diagonal when falling. Great job!

Very cute game and a great take on the theme! Unfortunately it seems like its pure RNG of when you'll get caught so its more frustrating than it is challenging, perhaps more of an animation or lead up into the turn so the player knows when to drop? Great job!

Sound effects are satisfying and the gameplay loop is simple and fun. You can just hold down the whole time it seems so perhaps slow down the player movement or increase the hitbox width in order to make it more of a risk. Nice job!

Very Ominous. Music was quite loud. I would say this game feels like horror mixed with frogger. Nice work.

Perhaps a Composite Collider or Polygon Collider might help fix it as well as setting the collider detection from Discrete to Continuous. If it's discrete it won't check the full physics movement, just where it would be on the next frame. I believe continuous would. I hope that helps!

Yeah, I definitely have a lot of bug fixing to do. I think the cinemachine virtual camera is messing with the raycast for where the buddies spawn Then my terrible method of moving them out of the bounds doesn't quite work how I needed to, lmao. I'll probably fix it up and iterate it more after the rating period is over. Thank you for your kind words!

Hello, Cute game! It pretty rage inducing which could be fun. I did notice that the player's hitbox was much wider than his body so it caused a little annoyance with collisions. Also sometimes the portals just didn't work, like after hitting a spring, which I'm not sure if that was intentional or not?  Perhaps the collision needs to be changed to continuous if its on discrete?
Nice job!

Hey there! While playing I did notice somethings that kept me from liking it.

  • The Camera is too close
    • Perhaps Zoom out based on velocity so you can see where you're going to land, or pan the camera down
  • The player falls at such a slow rate
    • You could increase the mass or gravity in the rigidbody or bypass it all together and write your own. A lot of games also implement a higher gravity scale when the player is falling for a snappier platforming experience.

Nice job!

Really cool project! The art is very cute. I did find it a little annoying that the grapple only activate when intersecting a plane. Perhaps Raycasting from the player to the pointer would be a little more intuitive, because I did think the game was broken for a second there. Great Submission!

The grapple is fun but it could be refined a bit more. It was strange to have to click twice to get sent in the direction of  the Grapple. Maybe consider putting the force on Mouse Release so its a little more natural? Also consider spawning the obstacles as prefabs and then you can create various layouts that might be trickier than the random spawning so you could control the difficulty of the game better. One last thing I would do to improve the game feel is to Disable the users movement for a short bit and then Mathf.Lerp() between where the velocity of the grapple is and where the player is trying to move. There's some really great potential here!

Hi there Mr Whistley! I hope your legs get better.

The visuals and the cinematics were very cool, especially for a game made on such short notice! I kinda feel really bad for the Player, it has a very melancholy vibe. I would've loved to see one more use of our friend, it just didn't feel like anything was accomplished. Also for a game that uses Keyboard and Mouse, I think you should've added WASD to the movement as well. This ones also a little nitpicky but please add a Application.Close() to ESC on fullscreen builds. It was tricky trying to quit.
Great work!

This game was really cute! I couldn't make it past the first jump. Maybe consider adding a different force if the player Holds vs Taps or adding in a double "jump" that resets on the ground like the normal one. Double points for the cute floating cat. Nice work!

Movement was neat, I feel like it's something that someone could really master. The visuals of the background were also neat with the ASCII art. I didn't quite understand where to go although the spirals did help a bit and I feel like the enemies are redundant when you could focus more on the player platforming than avoiding enemies. Overall a really fun play!

Movement was neat, I feel like it's something that someone could really master. The visuals of the background were also neat with the ASCII art. I didn't quite understand where to go although the spirals did help a bit and I feel like the enemies are redundant when you could focus more on the player platforming than avoiding enemies. Overall a really fun play!

Use of Unity's URP is really well implemented. The camera feels very close to the player though. Music seems like more of  a test than an actual soundtrack but the SFX are nice and responsive. Turning also feels pretty good. Doesn't really play with the theme.

Pretty cool! I really enjoy the music and the gameplay is nice. I would love to see this revisited for more polish after the jam. Great work!

Would love to play but I don't have Java installed on my computer currently.

Asteroids spawn way too close to the player, almost impossible to dodge in most situations. Also don't mess with the file locations of the game inside the build folder. I had to move the files back around. The hand drawn assets are nice though.

The games artwork looks fantastic! But I agree with the other comments that the gameplay isn't standout. I feel like if you increase the range of the player's attack and the speed it could go a long way. Other than that, this game is really cute and the upgrade system is nice!

I love the look of this game and the gameplay feels great. It took a bit to get used to the starting strength of the build but once I got the right distance of leading the shot it felt great to play. Great work!

All the boxes were small and I ran out of places to stand. Not a huge problem, only happened once, but I feel like more boxes should be spawning faster.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I probably won't go down a rhythm game aspect with this game, because I have a longer project in the works that's a rhythm game. But I definitely will expand on this idea and kinda go Super Hexagon with levels and difficulty.

Really awesome controls! It feels very intuitive and fun to use. The artwork is fantastic and I love the simplistic palette. I feel like the difficulty could ramp up more quickly. This is a fantastic game!

I really love the idea! Gameplay is fairly fun too. Great work.

Really fun game! I like that the player "dodged" their taxes. Gameplay reminded me of Nacht Der Untoten from the CoD Zombies series. Nice work! I would add more enemies and guns in the future.

Pretty fun! Controls could be faster and less slippery. I really like the gameplay, but I think endless has too many enemies spawning at the beginning. Maybe consider increasing the number of enemies spawning as the run goes longer. Nice work!

I really don't appreciate being audio-walled at the launch of the game. My headset was at half volume and I got some sensitive ears. You can very easily beat the game just by spamming spacebar. It would've probably have been better to make it endless rather than level based. They way it is it doesn't really fit the theme and feels like a small game in a wario ware game. I hope you come back and expand on this!

Really cute game. I think sometimes the player feels out of control of the movement and the vacuums collider is way to big. This could be a lot of fun with a little more tweaking!

Really cute game! Has a lot of potential! I love the concept of a cat not wanting to be washed so it's trying everything to avoid it. The wall jumping feels pretty solid as well as the control all together. Great game!

Really neat game! I love the stretch that he does to telegraph the direction he's going. The boxes don't fall fast enough I feel before the bottom starts disappearing.

It's a very cute game! I found my jump being reset by the bottoms of clouds was weird. Maybe make a separate hitbox that resets your jump only at the top of clouds. Its a solid endless runner, good work!

I really enjoyed the game! The art is super solid and the game feels polished. This would be something you see made from Nitrome in the days of flash games. Fantastic work and I love the variety of enemy types!