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A member registered Apr 12, 2024 · View creator page →

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Recent community posts this is mine, i think i've got enough ratings but if you have the time i would appreciate any feedback.

Thanks for your feedback, you're right about the animation, if i had more time i would at least make a basic walking cycle for the player and the enemies.

Here is my vampire survivors style game, hope you like it 

Music is nice but it was too loud, consider adding an option to reduce volume or mute button. 

At first i didnt know what i was supposed to do, but figured out you have to find the specific object to continue. I think it would be better to have all diferent kind of objects, as it was confusing why this fire didnt work but the other did. I managed to get to safety on my first try so, not so bad. Overall not a bad game, keep it up.

I agree, a bit of animation would do really good. I decided not to animate due to time constraints. Thank you for playing.

Haha thanks for playing glad you enjoyed it. They are good dogs.

Really satisfying to shoot, recoil feels really nice. I wish it had more levels with diferent layouts to make the fights more interesting.

I'll play yours in a bit.

really cute artstyle and story. The game crashed when i tried to save :(

It was hard to understand at first but finally got it . Simple but fun minigame. 

Already checked your game, here is mine if you have the time.

Game is fun and the idea is good. I wish it had more levels. Also a way to lower the volume would be really nice, i like to play games while listening to other things, and yours is really loud. Other than that cool game, good job.  

Good art and nicelly implemented turn based battles. I think the player moves way too fast it was hard to control. 

The game looks really nice, really clean graphics. 

Really good presentation, looks really professional. I found some minor issues in gameplay. Somehow i managed to move a present outside the camera view, couldn't reach it afther that had to restart the game. Also the text from the P.violations overlays one on top of another (I've got so many of them). Regardless of that, nice game and only in 3 days, you guys are really good.

I really like the graphics of the game and the core mechanics are well implemented. I wish the monster was faster, once i got some speed boost never saw him again until the end and even with 1x speed he wont catch up with the player. 

Really cute game, loved the graphics. Spining around the island is fun. 

El juego se ve genial, muy profesional y bien pulido. Pero el sonido del dialogo cuando aparecen las letras me parece bastante molesto. El concepto es interesante aunque no entendia como jugar asi que estuve unas semanas sin hacer nada jaja.

I like the graphics but something with the resolution was akward with my screen. The ui was not displaying correctly.  This is a really common issue with browser games so not a big deal. Also the movement of the vampire is very floaty. But i liked the concept of the game, good job.

I like the graphics and the ui looks nice. The game needs some sound effects tho.  I want to hear when the player moves, when he shoots, and when the enemies take damage (this one is really important). Adding sound early on to your prototype will help a ton.  

Music is nice but it is too loud, adding an option to lower the volume would be really nice. Great interpretation of the theme very original and the sweeping mechanic is well implemented.

Simple but effective, nice choice of colors.

Nice 3d graphics for a 1 bit game, i liked that a lot. The game does need a catchy soundtrack, and a few more sound effects but its fun.

(1 edit)

Im much more likely to play the game if i can play it on the browser. Downloading an executable from a random stranger is risky, im sorry but it would be really easy to add viruses or malicious stuff into the game. So i advice allways doing a browser game first and an optional download if you want, unless your game is too big to run in the browser ofc.

Simple but fun game. One thing i would advice is to add a volume slider or a mute button, the sound is nice but it is too loud. Other than that good game, great job.

Good music, graphics look really nice. The grappling mechanic is allways fun. And the theme is spot on. Some sections are really challenging but i enjoyed the game. Great job!

The main character is really cute and the graphics are nice. One thing i noticed is the snowmans are not visible when they are on white ground, but they can still kill the player. Not sure if this is a bug or intended design, but felt to me a little unfair. Other than that cool game, nice idea.

Its fun to explore the level as you progress and gain new skills. Pretty satisfying to watch the ball grow. One thing i would improve is the end screen. Not sure if it was a bug but only saw the ball fill the screen, felt a little underwhelming. But i enjoyed my time playing to the end, good job.

Thats the end of the game you are supposed to lose at that point, thank you for playing!

i like your style, the characters and the animations on the ui like the heart look nice. I think the game is too punishing though, the enemies allways one hit kill you and are really hard to avoid. 

Really good atmosphere and graphics, it was genuinly scary at times. Simple but original concept, good game.

Sure thing!

this game reminded me i suck at maths thank you :D  i couldnt get very far at any of my attempts but i like your art style and sound design. 

Tank you for playing im glad you had a good time. Yep, those birds are really challenging. I think i went a bit too far in that section of the game!

Thanks for playing, and  feedback is appreciated :D. 

fun idea, i like the animal characters they are really cute and the blend of 2d and 3d is nice. I wish the game introduced something new it was getting very repetitive by wave 9 but overall i had a good time playing, good work.

I managed to cross the left barrier for a moment, other than that really cool game i like the concept.

i love the music and the vintage look, really funny too!

really like the artstyle and sound design, this could be a good mobile game.

loved the artstyle really well done