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A member registered Feb 08, 2017

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Fairly sure its just a red herring, ive tried looking in all possible places for the key but it doesn't seem to exist.

(1 edit)

Ending acomplished! It was fairly simple really, if you just pay attention to the enviroment you can do it.

Should i post a tutorial on it or refrain from doing so for now?

Be honest, is there a secret ending? I put the board you get near the end where its supposed to go, but still got the same ending. Now one of the boards for the upside down cross paterns is stuck in place..

Now its working, maybe a bug? Weird.

none of them appear to be working..

I am in the area where theres a bunch of buttons in a circle around a center column. Its at what i believe to be near the end of the game (after all library related puzzles)

Im at the circle puzzle, and i have no idea what to do next..