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A member registered Aug 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh wait, scratch that, it seems that it worked somehow, but it seems the ordering is incorrect.

If you have Submit before, it won't let you submit another time even though you use different name.

I tried it and that's what it seems to be.

Not sure why, but it would be cool if it updates everytime when you beat your own highscore

Oh, nevermind, I realized this isn't randomly generated.
My bad

(1 edit)

I got 00:21.68!!!
I submitted as Woody
This diving has quite some random asteroids.

Yeah, at first, I was fight agenst my brother and I done a dive kick, but because I was very close to the saws I dived into that spot, me and my brother was laughing about it and realized he can't get to me unless he also glitch into it.

Gotta say, this is a very funny bug but also it's like a safe spot.

I dive kick at the lege of the platform and some how get stuck in there. I still can jump out of it.

And I had practice with the right timing of dive kicking into it that I had done it a couple of times.

Hey, guess where's Red, his not constantly hurting but he is supposed to.

Just found a funny bug, I keep respawning in the Smoking Beast's battle place and he doesn't even do anything unless I go close to the door.

Well, you know changing roles of the main character is how a cursor and by the story suggests that you could interact the world, might need some tinkering.

Yeah maybe I need to fix that later.


Amazing! New weapons, new areas, new ester eggs!!!!
It's so awsome and so many updates. 

I love it!!!!! Best game ever!!! I love how you made it a random level generator so there's always something fresh, also there's all type of power ups like Shotgun or Triple Shot, I even found a Rocket Launcher and Crossbow. I also really like the art work. So good and so fun!!!

I love it!!!!! Best game ever!!! I love how you made it a random level generator so there's always something fresh, also there's all type of power ups like Shotgun or Triple Shot, I even found a Rocket Launcher and Crossbow. So good and so fun!!!

Thanks Diptoman, yeah I think I could try to fix the camera problem.

True, make sence about that, maybe later I could change the level a bit to make it not too big.

Thanks Sailing Rocks, I did thought of maybe doing a transition when Emoji stop when Cursor is close to him and maybe make the map smaller.

True, the maps are kinda big but I did thought that means you could explore around each level to find every single enemy. 

Thanks Nick Koby, mostly tthe maps were made by my brother and yeah, I guess the maps were to big.

Well, I did made so the cursor could also die by touching enemy arrows and attacks but yea thanks @AdvancerMan.

LOL, This is so funny and fun. I really like it that you could make all sort of funny adventures yet this game is also enjoyable. Love it!

LOL, This is so funny and fun. I really like it that you could make all sort of funny adventures.

I did give it a calm forest bird background music.

Sorry I don't think I could open it and try out your game, my computer doesn't allow to open it. Sorry.

Thanks, however I don't really like how the enemies could detect Emoji through walls, I don't know how to fix that.

Thanks, me and my brother thought quite hard on this one, we're not even sure if it actually fit the theme.

Definitely! It's funny how it's actually now your sitting on a chair and shooting backwords to move and attack. lol

Cool game, instead of being the block break you instead be the block healer, I like the style and sprite of it and the music is quite exciting.

I like how it's simple and the style and music is quite calm, the difficulty really works and I manage to get pass all of the level. This game is nice.

I found something, I think I found the same as @Molcaline's.
Far well my blind arther, we will meet again some day...

Wow, I never know you can do a 3rd person vew by pressing Y. I do know the player movement key but I think the game will be more reasonable and understandable if there's a instruction scene.

Great game!!! It's just that is there any instructions of how to play and what to do?

Great game! It's quite challenging, but I manage to make it to the end!

This game is really great, I got it through all and got all the coins too.
The music sounds fun and the little character is quit cute. I like it.