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Wood Dice

A member registered Apr 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm a sound engineer, composer and music producer.
If you need me on your team let me know.
Discord: wood.says#3714


I'm a sound engineer, composer and music producer.
If you need me on your team let me know.

Discord: wood.dice#3714

Hi, I'm a sound engineer, composer and music producer. If you need me on your team let me know.

Discord: wood.dice#3714

Hi, I'm a sound engineer, composer and music producer. If you need me on your team let me know.

Discord: wood.dice#3714

So nice game ! ♥

I escaped through the magic portal ♥
Nice game!

I like it! Good mechanics ♥

I'm lovin 'it! I like the feeling of mini-progress in each level. I understood the mechanics quickly and I find it very fun.

If you need music for your project, I am available. I would be happy to contribute to this beautiful game ♥

Discord: wood.dice#3714

I'm looking for serious videogame projects.

I have participated in jams and some games but I am looking for new challenges.

My intention is to support developers who are working on good games. It doesn't matter if it's a mini game or a big game. The important thing is that we work to make it epic ♥

I really liked Min-Ball. The physics are very smooth and it feels great to play. The right flipper sometimes gets stuck up.

On the other hand, if you need music for this beautiful game you can contact me on discord: wood.dice#3714 I am a composer/music producer and I would like to collaborate on the project.

I like this demo! I would love to collaborate with my music to give it energy!
If you are interested in collaborating add me on discord wood.dice#3714

I like it a lot!

Hello! I love the demo of this game. I really wish I could collaborate with my music.

My discord is wood.dice#3714

Hello! Im a music producer :D wood.dice#3714 or

Soy muy fan de los colores y la ambientación, muy bien logrado ♥

Te quedó divertido jaja

¡Muy buen juego, entretenido y su apartado grafico es genial! Nos divertimos mucho con mi pareja ♥
Muchas gracias por desarrollar este juego.
¡Saludos desde Argentina!