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A member registered Aug 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Good Job :)

I love synthwave atmosphere ) Woww....

A cool idea is to walk through the randomly generated city.

Thank you !

An interesting idea. Funny mechanics.
The only way to make the entry level a little easier was to do it. It is too complex and there is no way to go back one step.

Wow / Nice combination puzzle genre with :Leaps and Bounds: theme.

Thank you for playing ^_^

Interesting idea and simple style of graphics !

A good project that clings to its highlight (Camera's manipulation). I want to add myself that the battery will be used quickly when using the camera. While I tried for the first time to play, I ran out of energy and I did not know what to do. There isn't enough information what to do for the new player.

Overall, the cool game, thank you. :)