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A member registered Jul 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

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haven’t done anything in a quile. Focusing more on studying and doing hw. So during summer break ill try to make more stuff.

hi you can use it freely, no credit required. Cc-0? I assume.

can we use this in commercial projects, and should we credit you if we use it?

Thanks! It did help.

Hi! I know you can't work on your game before the jam starts, but can you start creating ideas for it? or is it like everything to be made ONLY during the jam

AMAZING, once again!!!


p.s. and more enemies started spawning after i got 1000

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interesting game;

got 1000, eventually gave up cuz my wrist started to hurt

again same issue with sasamuel, I have fixed the jump sound to be 20% of it's original volume and this update will be applied when all the voting periods are over (cuz i can't upload a new project file during the voting period)

yeah, nothing changes

hi sasamuel, after the jam ends i will update the page with the new version of this game, in which i have lowered the jump noise to 20% of it's original sound. so i hope it'll be easier on your ears

nice game, again as IamWarrior said it's appealing to the eye and a simple fun puzzle game. (does require fast reactions when you get to high speeds)



So based on the rules "all assets must be made during the jame", we aren't allowed to find assets online?

- just for clarification.


yes that is one minor mistake I made, but I suppose if you’re creating a multiplayer game like, then the mirrored letters dont really matter. (Unless you’re making the board a texture on a 3-d plane, then that would matter)

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hi, I was just wondering, how did you get the pixel-art look for the weapons?

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Thanks Finn, for the '3 lucky people' addition!!!

also, also the size i put was 128 for the 'pixels'

also the terrain type is islands, as the terrain type affects the seed

thanks! I'll keep that in mind

p.s. I just made the dropshadow pure black

Yep, the .gif has lost it's translucent pixels, I'll try and find a way to solve this, thanks @afloofdev!

it's a screenshot for a project, and I'll try the image viewer method

Hi, I've been fiddling a bit with the generator and got this seed which I think is quite accurate:


I was trying to import an image with a 50% drop shadow on it, but as soon as i load it onto it becomes solid, here it is:

on aseprite:


does anyone know how to fix this?    (btw the image is a .gif if that affects it at all)


what colour palette do you use?

Gives me celeste vibes

what is the colour palette used for this game?

after hearing this reply this really wants me to make some adjustments and make the game complete

Good luck! And don’t worry this is my first game jam ever.

and yes there are many bugs, which can be easily fixed 

thank you! 


i really rushed this as i have other projects to work on, hope people will enjoy playing it!

is there any specific colour palette that you used, or is it hand-picked?

i hope to add more in the future - like UI, and an inventory