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A member registered Sep 13, 2015 · View creator page →

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I got an error after defeating the first few enemies.

Thank you. I did have a lot of free time to focus on the game for this game jam.

Thank you

Thank you very much. :)

I'm curious as to which places you got stuck on, as the mechanics (and the positioning of the sensors) should allow for the player to undo the actions they did. There have been a few situations in the past where the player could get themselves permanently stuck, but I think I fixed those.

I am wondering if you didn't know that you could pickup and drop objects, like my friend did. I probably should have at least put some text in-game to help with that.

There is a bit of a problem with resetting the position of objects is that some of the levels rely on objects' positions being saved, though it is doable. Though I'm pretty low on space in Pico-8.

Allowing the player to pull objects towards them would definitely allow the player to get themselves stuck though.

Thank you.

Thank you :)

Thanks. You can bring the orb to the lower area through the right side.  

Then, you will need both the lantern and the invert gem to pass the above door.

It's usually better to have a sensitivity setting for the mouse. Most people who use keyboard/mouse really don't like that sort of restriction, but it could just be a setting.

One thing that could probably help with player visibility is a shader that shows the player through obstacles. Maybe inverts the color of pixels where the player would be rendered. Getting a little complicated, the edges of the nearby walkable boundaries could be rendered in a similar way as well.

Thank you very much. :)

For that level, all of the sensors on the top half to be activated, so putting a lot of wires down felt like it would get too noisy. I originally just had 5 sensors, but realized there was a solution that skipped what it needed to teach, so I made the solution more restricted. Definitely should have made it simpler.

To actually get passed that door, you also need the lantern.

(2 edits)

To me, this is an incredible combination of game mechanics that has a lot of potential. I really hope you consider turning this into a more polished version, or even a full game.

Though this version felt a little off.  The camera didn't feel good to use, it was capping the rotation speed for the mouse controls, making it feel like it was meant for a controller. It was also inverted to what I was use to. The movement and actions were a bit sticky, and I was able to clip the boxes through each in some instances (like the last level with the offset blocks).  The art was simple and maybe a bit empty, but was clear in what each set of blocks could do. I thought the music was nice and fitting for the game.

Thank you


Thank you very much :)

(1 edit)

thank you. I was actually a bit worried that I wouldn't make enough levels or that they would be boring. Most of the time during the jam was spent programming a level editor.

And thanks for telling me about the skip.  I did test each level when I made them, but stuff like that still got passed me.  I think for that specific case, I added that doorway above to let the player in or out even if the lower door is locked.  Plus the fact that items could get dropped/picked-up through doors doesn't help.

lol, I understood. Thanks again. :)

Thanks, I was testing each area to make sure there wasn't any sneaky skips or solutions.  I think a few still got through.

Thank you :)

Thank you. Even though I'm a pretty experienced programmer, I'm actually still a bit new to pico8 and Lua.

Thank you :)

Thank you :)

Thank you :)

Thank you, I'm actually not that experienced in making music. I would have like to add another song in, but I didn't have enough time and I though the 1 was good enough.

Thank you.  I definitely would have liked to improve some aspects like that a bit more, but I restricted on time and had to submit some hours before the deadline.

Thanks, I was a bit worried that the levels wouldn't be that interesting.  Especially when I underestimated how much time it would take to design them. I would have loved to make more with more mechanics, but it's already a bit of a struggle to fit the game into pico8.

Thank you.  There probably wasn't much attention since the voting just started and I only made any posts about it after it was submitted some hours before the deadline.

Thanks.  I actually could save a bunch of tokens, but decided only to save them when I need to.  Which was only a few times near the end, as after I finished the level editor, there was very little to add.

Huh, got stuck where? Did you not know you could pick stuff up with "x"?

Neat idea, but it was a bit boring to wait around for the light to change while just to find them.

Actually a pretty interesting concept, managing two sets of customers with different needs, while keeping only the light spirits. Though it it doesn't have that much challenge or strategy as I just got into a pattern.  Also, I wasn't that big of a fan of that color combination.

Neat effects, though it was a bit difficult sometimes to see the enemy bullets. Probably would have liked a few more enemy varieties.

Thank you very much.  The cloud in the main menu was using the particle system in unity and the invert shader I made that was used in the rest of the game.  the particles are just circles that grow then shrink based on their lifetime and were given a small velocity.  I was initially hoping that the cloud would traverse the menu with the keyboard without me doing anything, but I didn't have enough time available.

Thank you.  I didn't follow a tutorial, I only based my movement and collision scripts on a previous project.  I was able to dash in any direction including up left.  Your keyboard might not have anti-ghosting, which allows any number of keys to be pressed and recognized at once, and might have an issue with having the up arrow, left arrow, and either space or shift being pressed all at once.

I need the four digit tag to add you. I'm Werxzy #4708

Thanks, the katamari game was originally a bit messy before I made it pull the pieces toward the center (link). I have an idea for a metroidvania fps game. I can just use really simple 3d models and textures. Is there a better way you want to communicate, like with skype or discord? We don't necessarily need to do a voice chat.

The game in the image is just the base of a metroidvania fps game in a scene where I was testing the movement and shaders. What I'm planning for it would take a lot longer than the few days we have for the jam. I'm not too great with 3d models, but I could still try to make a 3d/fps game with simple models if that's what you're more interested in.

(5 edits)

Would you like to work together? I really like your music. I have a small list of my more complete games here if you want to look. I also have already been working on a game that uses a shader that, if I adjust it, would work for this game jam if we would want to use it (link). I am a programmer and somewhat an artist. I mostly work in Unity 5 now.