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Weenie Walker Games

A member registered Apr 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for trying it and the comments. Glad you enjoyed the voice over!

For a jam, arrow keys might have helped, just because trying to control the beam while also using the key to switch which size was operating was difficult. I completely understand control issues as this kind of thing probably needed a gamepad joystick to really use well, but not everyone will have that readily available while trying out jam games.

Very cute game. Took me a bit in the first photo to understand how to get the camera to appear as I thought I was supposed to solve a puzzle by lining up the car and the house, but once I got to the hints, that made the game far more enjoyable as I knew what I was supposed to do. (Of course, me thinking the dad was supposed to King Kong the Empire State Building gave me trouble until I found the hint telling me what the photo was supposed to look like.) Still, fun game. Great job!

Fun little game. Good luck finishing it up!

Fun game. Being absolutely atrocious at WASD meant I couldn't do much, but I could easily see the concept and how the game was supposed to work. Good job!

Didn't really play for me as I couldn't understand how to get the sleigh moving to begin with. Tried restarting and none of the controls appeared to do anything.

Thank you for the comments. Believe I have about 36 objects in the list that can be be selected from. I also wanted to keep a playthrough short enough to allow multiple attempts. Glad you enjoyed the voice over; I really fought to keep that in there when I ran into a file size issue here on itch.

Really loved the art style that looked like notebook paper. The concept was well-thought out and implemented perfectly. For once I finally beat a game jam game! Great job!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for playing! Yes, most of the item weights are as close to legitimate as possible though I didn't personally weigh anything myself. Instead, if I could, for items like the desk phone, I went on Amazon and found the closest looking product to the model I was using in game and used the item weight from the listing. For others, such as the football or the guitars, I did a simple Google search and checked to see what the range of weights given was and then picked one from within there. Only a few items did I just assign a weight I thought was correct, such as the clay pot where those kind of items can be any size.

Thanks for the comment. Yeah, I debated about whether to allow negative scores, but figured that would be part of the challenge. You don't get penalized for being underweight other than no points, but woe to the player if "the weight is over!"

Thank you for trying it!

Cool concept. I had trouble with the controls, but glad the character almost "flew" while jumping as it helped maintain control. Loved the size mechanic used.

Interesting take on the classic snake game. Took me a bit to realize what I was trying for given the land is covered in food items.

Awesome use of the theme! Loved the music and the game was perfect for a jam - quick, easy to pick up, but has a challenge. Did notice the timer didn't stop once it hit 0, but not a big deal. Great submission for this jam!

Fun take on the Tetris blocks. I had a ton of trouble with the controls. Not sure how much of that was me not being a WASD-type player and how much was just too many buttons to learn for a jam but wanted to mention it. Interesting concept though!

Haha, yeah, I 'sploded! Was getting close to the end too! Great idea and execution. Probably glad I wasn't at work with the sound effects though. Great job!

Cool concept. My only suggestion would be to allow me to restart and keep the same planet name rather than requiring me to re-enter it.

Great little game. Took me a second to understand the color coding, but really well done.

Interesting concept and loved the idea of the scale; just wish I remembered my binary numbers a little better! Took me a bit to understand the elevators but I really liked how you separated things. My suggestion would be to ramp up the difficulty and introduce the elevator after a couple rounds. Start with some lower orders, then pause, introduce the elevator to the next level, and then repeat with the larger orders. Great job!

Interesting concept. Probably could have used some way to know how much each tower cost though as I kept trying to place it and saw the "not enough coin" indicator afterwards.

Thank you! I was walking around all day yesterday practicing various "game show host" voices and was glad I was able to add it in. I couldn't use the pun and not have the voice. Thanks for playing my game. 

Thanks for playing it. I tried to make it easier where you could get a bunch of orders and hopefully the mini-map helped but didn't want to make it too easy. Probably overdid it though so sorry about that!

Appreciate the comment. I debated about the time but wanted to stick to a quick playtime for the jam, which it why it was about 5 minutes. I definitely should have paused time in the UI; what's funny is I think that was how it initially worked but I updated the clock and kept it running.  Thanks for trying it!

Thanks for the feedback. I had a more simple camera controller but that one honestly made me sick so had to scramble and find another option but at that point, locking the cursor would have broken the buttons.

Thank you for trying the game. Regarding smaller coins, this game is one where playtesting for the economy is needed but not something feasible for the jam. As for the 5 o'clock shadow, just think it is a high school student in an 80s movie. (Pretty sure Judd Nelson in "Breakfast Club" and Judge Reinhold in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High were about 24-25 when filming.)

Not necessarily a hard game to play but I kept getting lost trying to figure out where to go. Amazing work getting it all done during a jam! Great job!

Definitely not my genre but that's on me. Great job with the game. Very difficult, but love the various options.

Loved the color swapping. Took me a second to realize that was what was happening. I can safely say I didn't do very well catching them, but if you turned this into the goal of juggling the balls instead, I did much better at that! Great job!

Interesting concept. I didn't realize I would have to control the adventurers; from the description, I thought I was the shop keeper and they came to me. I also agree with others that the animations were too long for the gameplay; if we were simply the shopkeeper and the adventurers came in and walked up to the counter in line and stuff, that would justify their animations but not when I have to sit and wait on them. Great job with the concept!

Learning a language for a jam? That's awesome! Game play worked well. Music was a little too much for me personally though. My only suggestion would be to make the shrink button a rechargeable power-up where as you use it, you drain the ability and then have to wait for it to naturally refill before using it again.

Loved the music! Great concept and while simple, it fit the idea of a game jam perfectly. Great job!

I honestly might have missed it as well. I know there were a few "horror" sounds going on so that may be on me "tuning out" to prevent a jump scare type of thing.

Really enjoyed the puzzles. Took awhile for me to figure out the tricks and got most of them. (I had to quit on level 4 as I couldn't figure out the paint and had to run.) Great job!

Not a fan of horror so thank you for the warning. Without spoiling anything, I did laugh at the reveal so take that for what you will. Took me a bit to get an idea what I was supposed to do, but other than I got distracted digging and didn't know I was done, I enjoyed it. (Maybe there was a sound cue I didn't pick up on to say that I didn't need to dig anymore.) Not bad for the limited time you said you had!

Interesting. I didn't notice any lag issues, but not really sure what I'm doing. I will say the tutorial, while nice to have some backstory, is far too long. Plus, when I got to the first time I could interact, I thought I was supposed to match the buttons and it was incorrect. I do appreciate I could turn off the background music. It wasn't a bad song choice, but in the long tutorial, it was a tad bit overpowering.

(Also, just as an aside for you. When introducing the Command Console after first showing the OS, your "voice-over" text has "REF_B" but the part name on the OS says "REE_B".)

I honestly have no idea what I just played but that was kind of fun. I think it was a puzzle and I somehow got the score to go up so I'll take it. Interesting design!

Thank you for trying my game. I appreciate the comment. Yeah, I wasn't really sure how this genre worked so tried to add instructions to the itch page, but could definitely been clearer.

Okay, that was on me. I didn't notice the bar as I was trying to escape! It worked. I did notice a bug that when I am in full screen and recall, the UI in the lower right gets offset when the screen comes back after the fade to black, but it appeared to fix itself as soon as I started walking again.