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A member registered Oct 31, 2014 · View creator page →

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  • I don't feel like there are too many triangular buildings. They were a scourge of early versions of the generator, but now most of the buildings are more or less rectangular. Weird shapes still happen in difficult locations (e.g. around towers) and some of them get filtered out. I'm afraid more "aggressive" filtering will lead to noticeable holes in the pattern of buildings. You can try choosing Display mode: Complex to turn most triangular shapes into smaller "polyominoes".
  • I think that introducing an additional size parameter will make it more confusing. Also, it might cause a situation when a requested "village size" is too large for a requested "map size" (I guess the opposite is not a big problem). In addition to the map size, there are also population density tags sparse and dense which affect the number of buildings in the village (but not its area/radius).
  • Yes, palisades are still on my list. Actually, they will be the next big feature I'm going to try implementing in the village generator.


I can't offer a solution because I don't get what the problem is:) What do you mean by "unable to get the coordinates"? You can't locate them within a file?

No, sorry, it's not something I am willing to endorse. It's not a question of games vs. books, though. It's just taking SVGs produced by my generators and selling them more or less "as is" doesn't sound like a fair commercial use of free tools (unlike creating illustration for original texts, for example).


Please note that I strongly disapprove abusing this "license" by selling generated maps.

Maybe. Using SVG with VTT doesn't seem very common to me, though.

I'll think about it, although your use case is probably too uncommon. For now you can try disabling the shadows (Layers > Shadow or via the Style dialog).

You can create a city larger than "Large" by entering a custom value (up to 200) in the Size field of the Generate window (enter your value and press Enter). Here is an example (pop. 180K): 

I plan to rework the whole land/water system of the generator, and implementing more diverse and interesting coastlines is the first point of that plan. But actually, the current version does spawn straight and convex coastlines occasionally. Very occasionally.

That's what I meant in the post by "looking like greenhouses" :)

When the Raised checkbox (on the same tab) is checked, the roof details are drawn as if we look at them from a slightly lower position, not exactly top-down. In case of gable roofs, the implementation is flawed: when examined closely, the buildings look like greenhouses. I am not planning to fix it right now, maybe later.

You need to choose Save as PNG (not Export as > PNG...) to get the image with all the notes.

There are two slightly different versions ( version and Arcana version) of each of the following generators: Perilous Shores, MFCG, NG, Procgen Mansion, VG, 1PDG. For example, for MFCG the web address of its version is and the web address of its Arcana version is Only the Arcana versions of the generators can access the address bar of your browser and pull parameters from there. You can't parameterize the version of a generator via a url, because on applications are run isolated (in an iframe). 

Here is the same city with and without a castle (note the castle parameter in the urls):

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I haven't tried it myself, but in theory it should work like this: choose Export as > PNG... in the context menu, enter some reasonably high value in the dialog (or leave the default 70) and then print the resulting png file with DPI equal to that value you entered.


  • Four of my generators support JSON export: MFCG, VG, NG and 1PDG. MFCG, VG and NG use the same type of JSON (with buildings, roads, tree etc.), but only MFCG accepts the export url parameter. 1PDG uses a different type of JSON and it also recognizes the export  parameter.
  • All of the Arcana generators can be parameterized via url variables, usually by requesting specific tags. For example this should give you an isolated densely built village of the default size.
  • Could you send me a link that gives you that error? Adding export=... should work.

It shouldn't be too hard to implement the ability to edit the type of a forest, I'll consider it👍

I get the problem, but...

Short answer: it is not doable.

A bit longer version: individual map cells ("polygons") are not independent, they affect their neighbours in multiple ways depending on their content, so it's not possible just to replace one cell with another. In previous versions, something like what you propose could be implemented (here is a similar idea), but not anymore.

Maybe in the future I'll find a way to make local changes, though.

You can request a dungeon with a set of specific tags via the url parameter "tags",chaotic....

It is also possible to make the browser download a map (as png/svg/json) right after it's generated:

Since it's a purely client-side application, there is no real api to work with it.


Unlike Cave Generator (with its connected and tree tags), here I have much less control over the way rooms are connected. I'll think about it, but right now I don't how this could be implemented in this generator.

Is it still not working for you? Are you sure you didn't change the language on your keyboard or something like that? This app was last updated several months ago, so this can't be something recently introduced.

This is what you can do with district labels:

  • You can hide all of them at once (Style > Elements > Districts Hidden). You can't hide individual labels, but you can rename a district to a space character(s) effectively hiding its label.
  • You can't move district labels, but you can change the shape of districts (using the Warp tool) to achieve better label placement.
  • You can resize district labels using two separate parameters: Style > Elements > Font size and Style > Text > Labels.

Doesn't "Export as > PNG..." do that?

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But SVG *is* the most web-friendly graphic format there is...

Interesting. I'll try to reproduce it the way you described it and fix this.

Yeah, you are right, thanks for the report! This will be fixed in the next update.

Thank you!

  • I have no plans to implement "dynamic" generation (for some reason, people ask about this a lot) - there are too many features that are incompatible with the idea. Not in this generator anyway.
  • And no plans for an API - this is a fully client-side application, so implementing anything resembling an API would be very awkward.

Nope, not a known issue. Could you make a screenshot of this?

Are you sure? It works correctly for me (try the [ and ] keys).

As @Mussia said, you can rename any map feature or the whole map via the context menu. It is also possible to "reroll" all the names at once (Labels > Reroll names).

Do you mean like the Warp tool in the city generator? This one is quite different, so it would be hard to reproduce it here. However, at some point, I thought about introducing an option to edit the boundaries of a neighbourhood.

Not in this generator, but probably in Dwellings.


It sounds like the maximum texture size available in your phone's browser is less than what the generator requires. I don't think I can fix this now, but hopefully I'll find a way around it in the future.

From time to time, I build desktop versions (for Windows and macOS) of my most popular generators for my patrons. The last time I did this about a month ago. Unfortunately, using the same version doesn't guarantee that a map will be restored from its permalink exactly the same (at least for some of the generators). I know it undermines the whole idea - it's a bug to be fixed.

Rotating 90/180/270 degrees shouldn't be a problem, I will add this to my list.

I still have questions, but I'll try make something to test my theories :)

This glitch plagues all my generators, appearing out of nowhere. It is not related to anything specific in this update, not directly anyway. I've never encountered it myself, so it's yet to be fixed. For now, you can try the Arcana version.

Currently, this is not possible.

Indeed, the description gets reverted (but not the title). I will look into this.

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Could you send me the json file you are trying to load?

Edit: ah, you solved it, cool:)

Maybe one day I'll try to reimplement those arrows, but for now, the new way of displaying room names is the only one available (