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A member registered Apr 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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ok, thanks!




Thanks, Good idea!

Thanks, yours was great Aswell!

Thanks bro!





Had low levels of scope creep and finished game early.

Added Mouse Controls Aswell, Thanks for the feedback!

Added Mouse Controls Aswell!


Thanks! The mouse would make it easier to control, but I kind of wanted to make it like hard to control.

Nice, very interesting game mechanics!

Yeah you can use this song! Just give credit of some kind like in comments. Also sorry I did not respond for so long.

I may update the game to include more planets, and maybe add more polish. I may release it eventually on steam.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks, you comment makes me smile. I’m glad you liked it.

Thanks for playing my game!

Just purchased it! I can't wait to play it!

Wow! This game is really cool 

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! These are some good suggestions. I might emplement these in a future build.

Thanks for playing! I know there was a lack of content but I’m glad you liked it anyway.

Thanks for playing! I was planning on adding more songs, but had a lot of school work so I ended up only having the tutorial. I might go back and add more planets in the future.

Very nice! I love the metroidvania genre, and this was very fun.

prolly not, I don’t think?

Thank you!

Thanks for playing, and finding that bug!

Thanks so much!

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Thanks, for playing! The reason the boxes fell if the screen is because the web gl screen is to small. I tryed to fix it but nothing worked. Full screen mode fixes the issues though.

Here is mine

(1 edit)

Procedural animation. I basically had a transform point for the leg and if the leg got a certain distance away, I move it towards the transform point and set rotation to the rotation of the transform point. I have a top down controller on the body, and the legs just have the script previously described!

That transion shader you used is really cool!


Thanks for the feedback!