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A member registered Jan 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice concept! Did take me a little to get used to the controls but finding the shrines was very satisfying

I get scared way too easily but had lots of fun with this game. Loved how the sounds changed throughout the game to keep you on your toes :)

Really cute, was a bit hard discerning what each client wanted at first (icons might help) but after a few seconds it did get easier :)

So cute! I suck at platformers but had so much fun playing. Really like your use of the limitation, really creative! Well done ^^

Really liked the aesthetics and the end dab got me haha, would love to see this with frog vs frog ^^

Got stuck in the start menu :<

Really like the aesthetics but the jumping was a bit difficult to get a hang of. Also might have found a bug as I fell through the first branch a few times 

I really like this take on charged frog jumps, works well and the aesthetics are real nice :)

Played it several times and enjoyed each round! Really well done ^^

Pebble supremacy 😤✨

Thank you so much, really glad you liked it ^^

Really pretty aesthetics and a really lovely experience, never thought I'd get emotional over frogs!

Really cute concept and gameplay although was a little confused by the tutorial

Really cute style and I really liked the simple mechanics that made it easy to focus on the actual game! I did struggle a bit keeping track of the timers and the enemy but still really enjoyed it :)

Love the art style and the fact I can finally play rock, paper scissors against frogs haha! Nice stuff :)

Really impressed with how professional this game looks and plays for a 72-hour project! Took me a couple of flies to understand the mechanics but once I did I had a lot of fun! Also, the artstyle is gorgeous!

So CUTE!! It reminds me of a mix between Fallout Shelter and Animal Crossing which I can definitely get behind :)

Love the art style! Took me a couple of tries to get a hang of the jumping but I still really enjoyed this take on the theme!