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iris wei

A member registered Jan 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Jamie, it's been super cool to see how you guys made changes based on playtesting feedback. It seems like you did A LOT of work with balancing because the transistions to endings seemed more natural. Good work!

Even though the project did not come up to your team's standards, I wish we got to see it today! It's obvious that time and effort still went into it, and I think it's important to celebrate what you guys were able to achieve. Regardless, hopefully this was still a good learning process for you all, and I look forward to seeing what you do release in the future : )

Hey Jamie!

Knowing that your game's aesthetic relates to the digital world with specified themes to your vtuber, I am very excited to see how you go about SFX. Making them from scratch too, no less, is an impressive feat and I hope that doesn't turn you away from using open sourced assets if you're on a tight deadline. Wishing your upcoming playtesting session goes well, best of luck!

Hi Matt!

I think it's so interesting you use that quote to describe your group dynamic. I believe that even with the perfect references to communicate ideas, team members will never fully understand because they still have their own interpretations on things. Adding on, I believe that as long as you all have key buzzwords in the experience you wish in the game, maybe it'll come out alright? Best of luck, friend :)

Hey Rui,

It seems like you have a solid understanding of what goals need to be accomplished, and what steps you need to take to achieve it. I would love to hear more about what groundwork you have personally prepared to ensure a smooth operation. Best of luck to your team next semester!

Hi Ethan,

That's great to acknowledge the lack of consistency in team meetings. It would also be interesting to hear how you are planning to go about that, maybe having small goals that lead to some type of reward?

Hi Launa,

That's great that you had the opportunity to refine the team's vision. It makes me wonder if you had the chance to make a story beat chart yet, or a flowchart for narrative decisions as the narrative designer. Either way, look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Hi Ben,

I'm curious to know what steps your team has been taking to motivate members into updating the new task board. If that hasn't been fully discussed, maybe start small by having weekly check-in sessions to see where people are? Or encourage work-in-progress image sharing, so people can directly see how much someone has done (maybe this would add pressure to do work, haha). Regardless, I hope it works out for you guys! Best of luck, you got this.

Hi Launa,

There's something so satisfying about physically writing things down. I hope this has also given you ample time to personalize your material. I used to own a physical planner myself and would buy sticker sheets to cross off hard tasks. Maybe you could make your own stickers too at some point?

(1 edit)

Hey Matt!

I know that you've had a rough start this semester, so it's great to see you slowly getting back into the groove of things. If Kanban has the option, I highly recommend you to customize the to-do list workspace, as it makes tasks seem less intimidating when you're crunching. Hoping the best for you, good luck bestie.

Hey Mikey,

I feel that FOMO is a common feeling amongst peers our age, it would have been really helpful and interesting to see how you would have tackled it. I'm also curious if you were planning to show the outcomes of different decisions and how people often cope with FOMO in different ways, such as escaping from reality, finding online peers, forcing themselves in situations, etc. It's a fascinating subject, and you presented your idea well. I hope you have fun in development!

Hi Ethan!

Firstly, I absolutely love that you were able to incorporate your interest in Fallout on this assignment. Secondly, I think your pitch had a very obvious connection and relevancy to creating awareness on the subject of climate change. It would have been interesting to see your team develop it, but understandably out-of-scope. If you do end up going back and exploring the project yourself, however, I hope you feel comfortable sharing the development with your peers :)

Hey there! I really like that your concept focuses on online friendships. It's such a relevant topic nowadays, especially since the pandemic started and at the same time, is such a focal point for evoking nostalgia that I'm sure would have gotten a heavy emotional response from players. I think if your pitch was chosen for your group, you at least would have had a head start on how to make players feel empathy for the narrative. Best of luck to your development!

Hi Ben, 

Happy to see someone tackle this topic. It's a shame that sharks are often mistaken as a harm to humans when they're just as useful as bees. I think the game idea with the player playing as a shark is a great way to build empathy on the subject, and can be even more impactful depending on how you choose to represent humans in it. Good luck with the final pitch!

Hey Lucy!

This mix of royalty and social media is really creative to me in this context, especially when compared to real life where they typically use it to either sway public opinion, or avoid it completely. I'm interested to see how you'll utilize politics and branch off the potential outcomes that come with it.

Hi Stewart!!!

Wow, it's very disheartening to hear about wealth inequality when put into perspective the numbers you mentioned. I really like that you mentioned school debt being a prime factor of financial instability, I hope that plays a significant part of your pitch for this school assignment. Jokes aside, I appreciate you considering the types of information you have that could elicit the most emotional reaction for players, I can't wait to see your pitch.