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A member registered Oct 06, 2020 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

(1 edit)

Help! I have a problem with GMS 2. I don't have a project file, but i have a executable .zip file. And it is not project folder in GameMakerStudio2 folder. Is it any choice to return my project?

Hello everyone. Since last post, i added very much features: armor and tongues, i change background, and fix some bugs. As cooler armor you have as much chance to not have damage from enemies.

Also, need i post versions of game? Write your opinion in comments, please.

This game page on gamejolt:

My page on gamejolt:

Why? Nevermind, it is just fun.

Game looks very nice!

We need this

All time

(2 edits)

Hello! Sorry for long absence, two last weeks i was working at autogeneration and new attack mechanic, because last mechanic has a lot of bugs, and i change it to sword-like:

And autogeneration is done too

This game page:

This game gamejolt page:

No problems 


-mmm monkey

Edible Froglit Animation

(1 edit)

Character choosing

Some images

Any recommendations?

Hello, everyone. I have worked a my project for month, and i have some progress. This project called "Froglits". It will be a roguelike with platformer elements. I am not a professional developer, I just need some recommendations. I make it on Gamemaker studio 2. 
