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A member registered Jul 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice Got you!

I understand if you don't have enough time for a video, a rate would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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Sure, make also play our game as well! :D

<3 Thanks!

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Thanks a lot! We made the last level way too hard and even have trouble winning it ourselves, but I'd say you are the first person to come that close to beating it so great job! I totally agree with you that the music is catchy, @citrus-melon did a great job on it. Thanks for all the feedback, I'll take a look at your game. :D

Aww thanks a lot! It was my first time trying a pixel art style for a game. And I agree: We will probably add a "undo button" and add more levels and make it a commercial game postjam.



ahaha gj

Ohh thats a great idea! Thanks!

OMG UR GAME IS SOOOO GOOD I gave it a perfect rating :D

Thanks a lot! I'll check out your game as well! :D

aaaaa I deleted the tab! I'll see if I can again but one thing I noticed is that the cutting feature didn't always work for me :\

Yup, I saw thanks! :D

(1 edit)

4:57 :OO this was really tough

Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated!

Here~ tysm!

Here is ours! I'll take a look at your game shortly!

Thanks! Ill take a look at your game! :D

I like your game but have a few minor comments. The player is super fast so this means I could fly behind all of the enemy ships and camp there until they circle around to kill them. Also maybe have the enemy ships  be able to turn. All in all well done! Here~ Thank you!

Thank you! This one of my first times actually doing pixel art so I wasn't sure how it would turn out. :D

I would appreciate it if you checked out our game! Thanks! Here!! tysm :D

Thank you for the feedback!

No problem!

This was amazing! This has the potential to be supppppper awesome. I know that you had some obstacles but 3days to make the game is still pretty cool! I rated yours! :D

I enjoyed this game a lot although it became really tedious. Maybe add shorter levels for "shorter music pieces". But this was really good innovation and music and graphics!!

From the level that I played, this has the potential to be really good! I really like the music and the way you incorporated the theme. One suggestion for the feature~ maybe be able to switch between timmy and tommy and only one of them can do certain tasks. Nevertheless, great job!

Nice job!!

I'm glad you enjoyed it! This is really kind, its our second game jam and this time I think we made a fun game. It makes us happy that you agree! I'm play your game as well :D

Thank you so much! I'll check out your game for sure. :) Any feedback would be much appreciated; its my friend and I's second gamejam Thanks for this! :D

Thanks for your feedback! :D

What!? Thats not good, its probably on your end because we had multiple people on multiple platforms test this out. Try refreshing the page? I'm not too sure so I can't help you. Thanks for letting us know though!