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FireBolt Interactive

A member registered Jul 26, 2017 · View creator page →

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Ok I love your voice, I might have something for you depending on your rates. Discord: VestaOrion#6906

No problem :) I am also an indie game dev(Legacy Retr0 Games is a team of 4 actually with me at the helm), and I understand wanting to make sure that your projects are up to par before releasing them to the public. I wish you all the luck in the world and will for sure try your game once its released.

This looks really nice :)

I wonder when you will re-release the demo. I am looking forward to try this for the first time.

Well congrats to everyone, I will go home with the happiness of being 48th on 300+ for the peoples choice. I think this was a great experience for me and my new team and our next games will shine brighter because of the experience we gained here. Much love to all the creators!

(1 edit)

Hmmm... Guess me and the team didn't make it this year. Oh well I will take our top 50 on the people choice as a win. Congrats to everyone who got to the top 10 anyways guys, good work.

Thanks for the info friend. I will wait then

Is this for RPG Maker MV or for VX Ace?

too bad there is only a paypal option was going to buy a bunch of your stuff.

Are there more stuff in this than on the one on steam?

Does this work for both rpg maker MV also?